Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why Romney can't win (Politico)

Mitt Romney is considered the most electable GOP candidate for the presidency. The former Massachusetts governor?s business background positions him as the pro-jobs GOP version of an ?it?s the economy, stupid? presidential hopeful.

He has an image tailor-made for an electorate with economic fears at near-record postwar highs. But to be nominated, much less win the White House, Romney must defy a modern political reality.

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There is an urban legend about running for president: Even if you lose your first run for a party nomination, the theory goes, you gain valuable assets of name recognition and a national network to help win the White House four years later.

In 2008, Romney lost the nomination to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Now the former Bay State governor is back, hoping to lead the GOP to victory in 2012 over incumbent President Barack Obama.

Romney is following the path of many modern candidates. They also lost in their first run for a nomination, either in the primaries or as a candidate who entered later, in hopes of winning at the party convention. Four years later, they all returned to the field, trying to win that elusive nomination and then lead their party to victory in November over an incumbent or his party?s choice for successor.

Their names: Robert Taft, Harold Stassen, Estes Kefauver, Nelson Rockefeller, George McGovern, Scoop Jackson, Gene McCarthy, Terry Sanford, Gary Hart, Richard Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, Pat Buchanan, Steve Forbes and Lamar Alexander. Several were considered early front-runners.

Not one on this list succeeded in that second consecutive quest to become president. The only one to get his party?s nomination was the Democratic former Sen. George McGovern, who lost the 1972 general election in a landslide.

Two candidates in the modern era managed to win their party?s nomination for president the first time, lose the general election and then get nominated again four years later: Republican Thomas Dewey (1944 and 1948) and Democrat Adlai Stevenson (1952 and 1956).

They both also never made it to the White House ? losing a second time to an incumbent.


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