Monday, August 22, 2011

Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods | Self Improvement Articles ...

Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods

A variety of different methods can be used in the practice of neuro linguistic programming. The goal of these methods is to increase insights regarding the psyche of the person in order to modify patterns of behavior so that certain goals can be accomplished and so that positive changes can be brought about within that person?s life.

It is often stated in NLP that the perception of one?s experience depends on the external stimuli in addition to the essence that the senses are able to capture. As a result, one?s response to an experience is entirely dependent upon their perceived image of the world around them, utilizing feelings, emotions, thoughts, etc.

When an experience is put into words, the words become the critical indicators of the feelings and thoughts that were experienced during a particular event. As a result, listening and then questioning and later understanding the language that is used by an individual makes it possible to establish a model of that person?s behavior and their response to an event. It is then possible to analyze that model and consequently eliminate problems that may be experienced by the individual. It is also possible to model positive areas of behavior and then reproduce that same model and apply it toward negative areas within one?s life in order to bring about change or improvement.

It has been noted that someone who is successful may exhibit particular beliefs or behavior or even thoughts. The basis of NLP relies upon the idea that if we are able to model those attributes that are inherent to success then we will then be able to apply them to our lives in a daily basis. This would make it possible for even the most ordinary person to achieve the peak of success.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques:

Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Mapping
One of the most important aspects of neuro language programming is the idea of a map. The map is a perception of the individual to the external world. It has been found that the body, mind and language all work together in order to reflect our emotions and feelings. A map may be unrealistic as a result of emotions, beliefs and thoughts that are undesirable. This could potentially be the root of an individual?s problems which are holding him or her back from achieving their goals and attaining success.

The map of someone who is successful will contain an appropriate set of values, thoughts and feelings. That same map could potentially be translated to a completely different person in order to bring about the same types of results. It is entirely possible to change the map of a person, or their own portrait of how they view the world, in order to elicit a certain positive attitude or behavior.

A variety of techniques can be utilized in order to establish a change in the learning, thinking and communication skills of a person. Many of these methods may involve hypnosis. In fact, many of the most successful techniques that are used with neuro language programming today are actually techniques that have been successfully used in other fields.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Anchoring
Anchoring is one of the methods that is commonly used in neuro language programming. This method depends upon the way in which an individual will commonly establish an anchor or form an association between their emotional state of mind and a sound, sight, touch or smell. Once that association has been formed, each time that the person experiences that specific external stimulus he or she will immediately make a connection to the specified anchor. Consider, for example, the way in which a particular smell or song can bring you right back to a particular time in the past. This is an example of anchoring that many people commonly experience.

As a result of anchoring, the stimulus can come to be viewed as a trigger for a particular emotional state or feeling. Through the use of this technique, a therapist would then be able to create an anchor deliberately within the patient in order to trigger a specific stimulus in order to help the patient achieved a desired state of mind or emotion.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Swish
The swish method is another technique that is also commonly used in neuro language programming as well. This method utilizes a train of thought that can be modified so that a behavior that is considered to be undesirable can then be converted into a behavior that is desirable. Many times a visual cue will be used with this type of method and is commonly used to eradicate unwanted habits such as addiction, drinking, smoking, over-eating, etc.

Through the use of the swish method, the brain is programmed to actually change from a pattern of thought that is negative or a negative image over to a positive image or train of thought. In addition to visual cues, auditory sounds may also be used in order to enhance the efficacy of the method.

For example, the person would think of something that they would like to improve and then they would picture themselves as having the positive quality that is desired. Each time that the person encounters the negative image, they will immediately change over to the positive image. Over time this will help the person to eliminate their problems, whether they be worries, addictions or fears.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Reframing
Reframing is another technique that is commonly used with neuro language programming. This technique works to change the perception of an individual regarding an event, which can then change the underlying meaning of the event. In most cases, in changing the meaning of the event it will be possible to change the person?s response in terms of feelings and emotions. As a result, behavior may also be changed as well.

Through the use of the reframing technique, the person has an opportunity to view the world through an entirely new perspective. This can actually provide that person with new meaning within their own life. Common examples of the way in which reframing is used includes mythological stories, children?s stories, fairy tales, etc.

A variety of other forms of therapies make use of the reframing technique. There is actually a six-step reframing process which is based on the precept that even though behaviors can be undesirable, the intention of the person exhibiting the behaviors is typically suitable. NLP strives to identify the intention behind the behavior using a process that is staged.

A therapist trained in NLP can determine the behaviors that are positive and help the individual to fulfill the same intention by simply substituting more positive behaviors.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: The Formed Outcome
This is another type of method that is commonly used in NLP. It involves a technique that is similar to framing. The individual will be asked to view the desired outcome and then analyze the effect of that outcome on the world. They are then asked to determine how feasible it would be to achieve that outcome. It is crucial that the outcome that is identified by the client be completely achievable and also within the capacity of that individual.

In addition, the outcome must also include effects that are positive and must be able to be applied in all situations. The positive outcome will then be analyzed in order to determine the effect of that outcome on the life of the individual and also on all relationships of the individual.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Parts Integration
Parts integration is another type of technique that is widely used in neuro language programming as well. This technique is based on the idea that our different personal characteristics will always be in disagreement. Under the assumption of this method, it is thought that internal conflict comes about as a direct result of the diverse perceptions and attitudes of the external world.

The goal of parts integration is to attempt to integrate those different aspects of our individual personalities that are incongruent in order to create a congruent whole. This is accomplished by identifying the different elements and then converting those elements into a single harmonious state. It is thought that at this point internal conflict will be able to be resolved. As a result a state of mental peace can be achieved.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Visual or Kinesthetic Dissociation
This technique is sometimes referred to simply as VK/Dm. It is commonly used in neuro language programming as well and relies upon the idea that a set of emotions are commonly related to events in the past. Under this technique, past experiences will be deliberately recreated within the mind in order to allow the individual to view those scenes from a more objective standpoint.

In many ways, the scenes are played back through the mind of the individual much like a movie. In some cases they may be replayed in reverse order. In this method, the individual will attempt to remove himself or herself from being involved in the scene. Dissociating oneself from the event will help the individual to eradicate any bad emotions or feelings they may have about that particular event. The person is now a spectator instead of a participant.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: The Metaphor
The metaphor is commonly used within neuro language programming as well. This method primarily makes use of anecdotes and metaphors in order to make a connection within the unconscious mind. Through the use of this method, a therapist trained in NLP would be able to identify the beliefs that are inherent to an individual along with the values, thoughts and assumptions that are underlying in any particular behavior that is undesirable.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Representational Systems
This is another method that may be used in some circumstances as well. The goal of this method is to capture an experience and then process that experience through the use of sensory functions. It is then possible to access images or sounds that are similar and release emotions and feelings at an unconscious level.

Related posts:

  1. Neuro Linguistic Programming Persuasion Patterns
  2. What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming-NLP?
  3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Meta Model
  4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Nature Of Communication
  5. Steps To Curing A Phobia Using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  6. Who Can Benefit From NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?
  7. NLP: How To Handle Criticism Effectively?
  8. Understanding Time Lining In NLP
  9. NLP Rapport Building Techniques
  10. The Five Fundamental Areas Of NLP
  11. Sensory Acuity Through NLP
  12. BONSAI Techniques: Methods For Getting Started
  13. Power Methods To Write and Use Affirmations
  14. Stress & Resiliency
  15. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


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