Saturday, September 3, 2011

Conscious Cosmetics ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

L.O.H.A.S. stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability which is essentially a socioeconomic term that describes a segment of conscious shoppers i.e. people who not only consider their own personal benefit but the impact on the wider community and planet. In Australia this represents around 26 % of the adult population. However, this is a global trend and not only do I think the number of people that start making more conscious choices will rise, particularly in Australia where such a wide range of choices are available but also the variety of sustainable and ecological products and services available will increase.

You can see evidence of this trend impacting on companies and brands alike particularly in the cosmetic industry where there is such a strong trend towards natural & organic products.

In the cosmetics industry it is about ensuring coherence between what is said and what is done. Some examples of this may include:

  • ensuring that products are actually in fact natural ? i.e they don?t contain any ingredients considered harmful or toxic to the body
  • choosing natural or organic products and certified organic where possible
  • when products claim to be Fair Trade ensuring that they actually do support the growers and manufacturers of these ingredients and that fair conditions and wages are adhered to. You can ask your retailer for proof of Fair Trade ingredients if you are unsure
  • choosing brands that use post-consumer recycled packaging where possible or at least that the packing is recyclable
  • ensuring all products are Palm oil free or that the Palm oil used is from sustainable sources
  • retailers and manufacturers being transparent by providing as much information about products so that you can make an informed choice about what you use on your skin
  • choosing cruelty-free products
  • having a multiple-modality team on hand to help you with your health & well-being including naturopaths, aromatherapists and beauty therapists
  • companies responding to consumer demand for green, sustainable and ecological options
  • cutting the green-wash ? this term implies that companies or brands are pulling the wool over consumer?s eyes by pretending to be more green than they actually are. It is a significant issue and I believe companies should make transparent their ?green credentials?. It may be that a company has a way to go but that?s ok as long as there is a plan in progress and they are honest about where they are at.

As a consumer you have the choice.

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