Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Top Three Ways to Make Your House More Energy Efficient ...

It does not have to cost you an arm and a leg at the outset in order to dramatically increase your home?s energy efficiency. Most people understand how important it is to live in an energy efficient house these days. The challenge with purchasing an energy efficient house or upgrading an existing home to be more energy efficient is that it is almost always a costly project to take on. The more energy efficient a building is the better it is at saving the owner cash in energy bills over time. Below are three easy things you can do over time so that you are not emptying your wallet to save a few dollars on your heating and cooling bills:

Replace caulking around your windows and doors: Caulk is a rubber compound which is used to fill in tiny air gaps and holes around the doors and windows of your home. Over time caulk can dry out, become hard and crack just enough to begin letting drafty air blow into your house. Tearing out old caulking is relatively easy and putting in new caulk takes a little bit of patience but it is definitely affordable and could only cost you $100 in caulk and a few tools. Windows and doors are the most common places to find cold air blowing into your home, especially if you live in an older home.

Put new insulation in your attic: You can wear a hat on your head to stay warm on a cold day because it stops heat from escaping your body and insulation in your attic does the exact same thing with your home. Blown insulation is better for an attic, but it is more costly than rolled bats of insulation. You can buy one or two bats of insulation whenever you have the money and install in your attic yourself in just a few minutes.

Install an electronic thermostat: Digital thermostats are relatively affordable and can usually be purchased for under $50 though you may want a heating and cooling expert to install it correctly. An electronic thermostat is an easy way to take charge of your energy bills in a hurry. It usually just takes two years of utility bill savings to completely recover the cost of an electronic thermostat. These automatic thermostats will follow your entered schedule and adjust your heat up in the times that you are normally at home and will lower your heat when you are most commonly at work.

The most obvious place to begin conserving energy is your own house. The cash you save in reduced bills, plus the potential for a big home improvement tax credit, will make any green home improvement to your home completely worthwhile. Conserving energy practically always leads to saving money in the long run.

Want to upgrade your home but do not have the cash? Your home may qualify for an EEM for home improvement that can help you make your house much more energy efficient.


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