Sunday, July 1, 2012

Only 'Bad Writers' - The Writing Center - George Mason University

In this new series, ?Writing Center Myths,? we?ll explore and debunk myths about the purpose and workings of the Writing Center.

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MYTH: ?I don?t need the Writing Center, since they only help bad writers. I?m a good writer ? my professor/friend/mom told me so.?

FACT: First of all, the world is not divided into ?good writers? and ?bad writers.? Everyone, from a college freshmen to Pulitzer Prize winner, can improve his or her writing with hard work and practice (and reading!).

Getting another person?s opinion on your writing is always a smart choice, and the best writers in history knew this. For example, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway famously helped (and criticized) each other. ?Also, Harper Lee and Truman Capote started out as childhood friends and grew up to work closely together.?These authors and others knew that no matter how good a writer they were, it was beneficial to get a reader?s opinion.

Here?s where the Writing Center comes in! We welcome every kind of writer in the George Mason community. Maybe you rock at creative writing but are struggling with a lab report (or vice versa) ? come on in! Maybe you?re usually prolific but you?re having trouble starting a new assignment ? make an appointment!

Did you know that the Writing Center tutors occasionally make appointments with each other? That?s right. I met with Kyle and Chrissy to work on cover letters for job applications, and with Kate to brainstorm for a linguistics research paper. Besides other tutors, our tutees include students at every level, from first-semester freshmen all the way up to PhD candidates working on their dissertations. Professors even avail themselves of our services!

In short, we?re happy to help with any kind of writing at any level. Meeting with a tutor is a great choice for even the most talented and experienced writers. Make your appointment today!


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