Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recently Dx. with CML | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ...

Hey John & wife,


Hang in there: it does get better! And better. And better! Okay, you're right, maybe that's not a big help right now, but as Trey says, for most of us it really gets better. Plus, we learn to live with some things we can't change, and we grow stronger and wiser, and maybe grow a thicker skin when needed. (Folks don't always know how to respond to us with our new health situations, and some less-than-wonderful things sometimes get said out of ignorance. Forgive them, maybe see them again later. Or not! You are fine.)


Everything is overwhelming right now, everything you feel is valid, but do believe that it will pass, and that some sense of normal life will return, with some limitations perhaps, perhaps faster than you can imagine.


FWIW, I started out with a higher WBC (459K) than yours, and within 11 months ? first seven months not happily, on-and-off Gleevec, then after four months on Sprycel tests showed the CML was undetectable! Sprycel works amazingly for me, though it's not for everyone, and there are other medicines now to try.?


Others here have been living well with CML for many years: you'll hear from them soon.


The first year is so challenging as you both adjust: physically for you, as the CML gets blasted, and emotionally of course for all of you. But with the targeted therapy available to treat CML these days, you can have a normal life expectancy, so keep your plans and faith in the future intact, just a little on-hold for now.


Read Trey's link above, it will help you get the information that will assist you in facing the first months of treatment, then help you understand your ongoing treatment, and the steps of achieving good results.


At your own pace, ask questions as you go, plus do searches here by key words too, and you may soon enjoy getting used to being part of our world CML family. We joke, we gripe, we whine on occasion, we share, we learn, we lurk without posting: everything is here, for everyone, in every situation and mood. Welcome, you are among the folks that will always understand everything you are going through!




james farentino

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