Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top Gun Returning to Theaters -- in 3D


If you?ve ever found yourself thinking ?You know what would make for some great 3D? Shirtless guys playing volleyball in slow motion,? then today?s your lucky day. Tony Scott?s testosterone-heavy Top Gun is being converted to 3D for a theatrical re-release. THR reports that Legend3D is handling the conversion, and they hope to have the film ready for release in early 2012. However, the report states that they want to get Scott?s approval before they move forward, so it sounds like the helmer isn?t directly involved in the conversion.

The Tom Cruise-starrer is classically cheesy, with some choice dialogue between Cruise?s Maverick and his rival Iceman, played by Val Kilmer. The aerial flying scenes may actually look pretty cool in 3D if the conversion is high quality. A sequel to Top Gun has been in the works for a while, with Christopher McQuarrie writing the screenplay and Scott possibly returning to direct. Until then, it looks like we?ll be getting some super intense shirtless 3D volleyball soon. Except for Goose, because Anthony Edwards wasn?t allowed to take his shirt off.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1923551/news/1923551/

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