Monday, April 1, 2013

Imagery of Town in Fukushima Exclusion Zone on Google Street View

Google has made it possible to explore Japan`s nuclear exclusion zone through its street view initiative. ?Two years after the earthquake and the tsunami that lead to a nuclear meltdown in the Fukushima Number 1 Nuclear plant and consequently, to thousands of north Japan residents fleeing their homes,?it is now possible to experience the area of abandonment through published images of the devastation in the small Japanese town of Namie.

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Google started filming and taking photos in Namie when they were invited by its mayor, Tamotsu Baba. 21,000 residents are still not allowed to reenter the city, but they can access Street View imagery of their town on Google Maps.

Most of the images captured by Google were collapsed buildings and wrecked fishing boats washed ashore. Mayor Tamotsu Baba gave Google permission to take photos to give locals and people abroad a look at the damages left by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation. According to some reports, those from areas closest to the nuclear site may have to wait decades before their communities are safe to live in again.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Namie recently, announcing a plan this summer for the return of the residents to some areas of the evacuation zone. The Prime Minister is also expected to offer a timeframe for the completion of the reconstruction of the neighborhood.

Panoramic images of the town are available on Google Maps, Google Earth and the Memories for the Future site, which has already published before and after images of communities hit by the disasters.


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