Sunday, April 21, 2013

NoClassDefFoundError - Runs In Eclipse, Not Outisde - Java ...

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    5 Replies - 26 Views - Last Post: Today, 01:45 PM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 Mystrunner ?Icon User is online

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    Posted Today, 12:31 PM

    Hello, all. I've written a very basic program that converts a number from one base to another, and it runs fine from within the compiler, but when it comes time to try and run it from console, it throws a NoClassDefFoundError. I've got my location set to the very folder that contains the .class file, and have no idea where I've gone wrong. Any ideas of where I should start looking? Thanks!

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    Replies To: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    #2 pbl ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    Posted Today, 12:35 PM

    Which NoClassDefFoundError ?

    Post the error that you get so we can see which class is missing

    #3 Mystrunner ?Icon User is online

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    Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    Posted Today, 12:44 PM

    Here's the error:
B:\Java\BaseConverter\bin\assignment2>java BaseConverter Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseConverter (wrong name: assignment2/BaseConverter)         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(         at 2)         at         at$100(         at$         at$         at Method)         at         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(         at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(         at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(   B:\Java\BaseConverter\bin\assignment2> 

    Hope that makes sense to you!

    #4 GregBrannon ?Icon User is online

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    Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    Posted Today, 01:03 PM

    Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE. It's a fancy editor for writing and running source code. As a development environment, it also does many of the things behind the scenes to set up your environment to accomplish what it allows the user to do.

    javac is the compiler that comes in the Java Software Development Kit (SDK).

    java is the command that starts an instance of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

    When you run a program from the command line that was previously running just fine in the Eclipse environment, the stuff Eclipse does behind the scenes to set up the environment is no longer being done, so you often have to learn how to make those settings "manually" in order for the compiler to work correctly.

    In your case, the compiler is looking for a specific project/folder directory structure from the location the javac command is run, and it's not finding it, hence throwing the error.

    Describe the directory you copied the source file to and the directory you change to before typing the javac command. Also show the javac command you are typing before hitting return. What's your OS?

    This post has been edited by GregBrannon: Today, 01:04 PM

    #5 Mystrunner ?Icon User is online

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    Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    Posted Today, 01:25 PM

    View PostGregBrannon, on 19 April 2013 - 02:03 PM, said:

    Describe the directory you copied the source file to and the directory you change to before typing the javac command. Also show the javac command you are typing before hitting return. What's your OS?

    Well, the thing is that I haven't actually used javac, just the .class file that eclipse has produced... should I be using the command line to compile it? I'm on Windows 7.

    #6 GregBrannon ?Icon User is online

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    Re: NoClassDefFoundError - Runs in Eclipse, Not Outisde

    Posted Today, 01:45 PM

    So I assume you're changing to the Eclipse directory:


    and simply trying to run the class files you find there using a command like

    java MyClassFile

    That approach will definitely result in the error you've posted. I tried it with one of my own and got almost exactly the same error as you.

    A better approach is to take the source file,, and move it to an appropriate development directory. Set one up if you don't have one already. If that source file has a package declaration, delete it or comment it out. Then move to the directory where the file was copied at your command line. I moved the file to a Temp directory:

    In Linux command line notation:

    Then at the $ prompt, I typed


    and then

    java MyClassFile

    Try that and report any errors you encounter.

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