Thursday, March 28, 2013

Writer, Blogger, Internet Marketing Master needed | Article Rewriting ...

Project Description:
I'm an internet marketer that needs assistance with a key marketing task. I need you to promote some links online through unique blog posts. I am just starting out and will pay a solid performer for results. I'm looking for someone who can wow me.

What I'm looking for:
1. A superstar. I don't care that we won't meet. You need to be a creative, self-motivated person with bullet proof integrity.
2. Be creative. Come up with your own ideas, figure things out. I want you to come up with multiple angles for where you will post my links.
3. Keep detailed records. I will pay you for verified posts. Not copy pasta or rehashed posts. The more you send me the more you make.

These don't have to be long posts, but they must be on websites that have related content and context. If you can figure out a way to write them into some great blog, do it. I'm looking for 500-700 words per post.

The more traffic I get from your posts, the more money I will pay you on top of the per post cost. I will send you details after we have come to an agreement.

Propose to me how much you would like per post. I'd also like a time frame per post. If you can crank out a lot of these, and they are good we will be very happy. I've added an attachment with a sample of the links that should be promoted. Check them out and send me a sample post, I'll pay you for it once it's posted.

My key markets are USA, Canada, United Kingdom and English speaking Asian websites.

Skills required:
Article Rewriting, Articles, Blog, Forum Posting, Ghostwriting
Additional Files: links_to_post.doc


Sandy Hurricane

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