Saturday, March 23, 2013

Travel & Leisure Blog's: Travel Advice For Any Destination

Stepping outside your comfort zone is something that is a prerequisite for a successful travel experience. Although, it's not always easy to prepare ahead of time for the inevitable differences between your ordinary world and the one you will be entering, a few tips will help make the transition both easy and enjoyable.

Take a power strip with you if you plan on using multiple electronics. Oftentimes while traveling, your room will only have one electrical outlet. It is very convenient to be able to have all of your items connected at once. Even if you are fortunate enough to have multiple outlets, a power strip still keeps everything centrally located so that nothing gets lost when you are rushing to check out.

When you make arrangements for wheelchair accessible rooms and other accommodations in your travels, be sure you get the agreement in writing. In this way, if you have problems getting the accommodations you have arranged for and presumably, paid for in advance, you will have some chance of reimbursement and of having your needs accommodated.

No matter where you're going, buying insurance when you fly is a good idea. Insurance will let you cancel your travel plans last minute with a full (or partial, depending on the insurance) refund. Last minute emergencies happen and you don't want to be out several hundred dollars for missing your flight.

When you plan on hiking during your trip, avoid doing so alone as it can be unsafe, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. Do not rely on what knowledge or skills you think you may have. Remember you are responsible for yourself and anybody who is with you, so be smart and cautious.

You can save space in your luggage by packing in large airtight bags, such as ziplocks. Find the gallon or 2 gallon size bags, pack t-shirts, socks, underwear and other lightweight fabric items in them, and then roll the air out of the bag before zipping shut. This will reduce the size of your items down and you will be able to fit more in your bag.

Before traveling make sure you get enough sleep. For many people, the few days before their vacation are filled with either stress or excitement, sometimes leading to a lack of sleep. When this happens, you tend to 'crash' when you reach your destination, meaning that you waste vacation time because you are already exhausted. A good night's sleep before traveling will mean that you arrive invigorated and upbeat.

One way of minimizing ice buildup on your windshield is to park your car with the windshield facing away from the prevailing wind. Another way too few of us think about is to cover our windshields with a throw rug when we park our vehicles. Tuck the edge in under your windshield wipers and your car will be as snug as a bug in a rug.

Take advantage of the hotel's ice machines when you are traveling. Many people enjoy having a cup of coffee in the morning, but they often dislike the way hotel coffee tastes. The ice machines use filtered water, so try putting ice in the machine the night before and allowing it to melt. The difference in taste between coffee made with filtered water instead of tap water is amazing.

When traveling on a plane, allow the middle seat to have both armrests. With common plane configurations containing four armrests for three seats (and eight arms), it can be confusing determining who gets to put their arms where. Airplane etiquette dictates that since the middle seat is the least desirable, and as such it is a kindness to allow that person both armrests. Nobody likes to get stuck in the middle seat, so try to be understanding.

Do not bring Social Security cards with you on your vacation! Not only are they unnecessary, but you do not want them to get lost or be taken, if your purse is stolen. If, for whatever reason, you want to keep your Social Security number handy while on a trip, write it on a piece of paper, and put it in your luggage.

Are you ready to go on a trip? Use a durable, easy to roll wheeled bag to serve as a carry on. Get one that is the right size for overhead storage but maximizes space. You should try to find one that has backpack straps, if possible, so you can easily transport it in the most crowded airport terminals.

Sometimes by choosing multiple means of travel one can get the best of everything. For example by taking a plane somewhere and renting a car when you arrive, one can get the benefits of a quick flight as well as the benefits of having a car to go wherever wanted while traveling.

Exploring America's National Parks is a wonderful experience. While you are out and about in the park it is important to clean up after yourself. It is imperative that we do our part to make sure the parks stay beautiful and clean for everyone to visit in the years to come.

Before booking a trip, be sure to check whether a country requires a visa for entry. Different countries have different document needs and it can take some time to receive the proper ones. Please be aware that even with a visa in hand, it does not guarantee that you will be allowed to enter the country.

When traveling to poorer or less-developed areas, avoid touching any of the local animals. This obviously includes farm animals, but also covers stray cats and dogs as well as draft or pack animals. You never know what diseases these animals could be carrying, and chances are you don't have the same immunities as the locals.

Dealing with airports is an unfortunate necessity of much modern travel. Pack an empty water bottle to fill after you get through security. This will save you from having to buy a $3.00 bottle of water after you get through the checkpoint. It also never hurts to pack granola bars, banana chips, or anything else to snack on between flights. So as you pack all your bags and start to plan your itinerary, remember the information found in the tips you have just read. This great advice will help you at every step of your vacation or business trip, from the very moment you set foot at your destination to the return trip home.


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