Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Contest: What Do You Want from Upcoming Book, Primal Woman ...

The Prize:


The ULTIMATE posture correction package courtesy of Esther Gokhale, owner and founder of the Gokhale Method Institute!

Do you suffer from mild to chronic back pain, inhibiting your sleep and daily life? Have you succumbed to the fact that this is ?just how it is?? Not so fast? The Gokhale Method is a systematic, non-surgical process of restoring pain-free posture and movement based on the way our bodies were naturally designed. Learn how to sit, sleep, stand, walk and bend in ways that actually protect and strengthen your bones and muscles.

The lucky recipient of today?s challenge will receive:

Stretchsit? Cushion: Unlike a lumbar support cushion, Stretchsit elongates rather than compresses your low back, giving you the natural, healthy spinal shape shared by children, athletes and people in traditional societies the world over. This mobile, adjustable cushion can be easily moved from the car to the office, so you can enjoy the benefits throughout the day.

8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: A step-by-step guide designed to help those suffering from back pain re-educate their bodies and regain the posture for which our bodies evolved.

DVD ? Back Pain: The Primal Posture Solution: Follow along with Esther for 60 minutes of guided posture corrections and techniques as she addresses the root cause of most muscle and joint pain with healthy posture and movement techniques.

A hands-on Gokhale Method Consultation: A comprehensive evaluation of your current posture and how it relates to problems you may be having, a projection of what structural changes are possible, and some key ideas and practices to help you improve your structure immediately and long-term. This can be scheduled at one of the many Gokhale Facilities across the country and abroad. Or if that?s not available to you, you can even meet with a qualified teacher via Skype! Isn?t technology great?

Do you already have good posture and find yourself fighting the urge to adjust strangers on the elevator? You can train with the best and become a Gokhale Method teacher yourself!?Click here?for details about the program.

The Contest:

I?m pleased to announce that my wife Carrie ? who many of your have met in-person at PrimalCon, or know through her past blog posts (Dear Carrie: Reader Question Roundup, Dear Carrie: Cellulite) ? is writing a book due out at the end of next year tentatively titled ?Primal Woman?. It will be her perspective on what it means to be a Primal woman in the modern world: her role as a woman, as a mother, a wife, an object of beauty, and a functioning member of society. She?ll likely be touching on a wide range of topics like body image, aging gracefully, handling relationships, raising a family, making a contribution beyond family, and health-related topics like menopause, PCOS, hormone replacement therapy, and the Primal Blueprint eating and exercise strategy for women to name just a few.

For this contest, Carrie wants to hear from you. In the comment board below, list your top 5 women?s health issues, topics, or questions you?d like to see addressed in Primal Woman, for a chance to win the prize above.

While the general scope of this book is outlined, this is your chance to impact its direction. Let her know what you want out of a book written by a Primal woman, for Primal women.


U.S. residents only. All sexes welcome. You don?t have to be a woman to care about women?s issues.

The Contest End Time:

September 23, midnight, PDT.

How the Winner Will Be Determined:

A winner will be selected at random.

To track all the contests visit the 2012 Primal Blueprint 21-Day Challenge Contest Page for daily updates.

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