Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Commentary: After RNC, Romney Can't Sway this Undecided Voter

A small sliver of the voters will determine the outcome of a tight presidential race. Yahoo! News asked a handful of undecided voters to keep a running diary: What news stories and events are coloring their choices?

COMMENTARY | ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- The 2012 presidential election will probably be close until the end, but I personally am starting to support Barack Obama more because of Mitt Romney's lack of clarity at the Republican National Convention.

One, he avoided any discussion of foreign-policy issues, which may be attributed to his lack of diplomatic experience.

Further, while he made cheerful promises to make America energy-independent and raise 12 million jobs, he revealed no clear details as to how he would go about accomplishing said goals.

Further still, it is impossible to tell what Romney really thinks of abortion -- I wouldn't be surprised if he holds his current hard-line stance against abortion only in order to appeal to more voters. This lack of clarity damages Romney's status as a presidential candidate.

Obama accurately predicted Romney's lackluster performance at the National Republican Convention while saying he is willing to compromise with Republicans. Obama predicted Romney would make his arguments without supporting facts or strategies. Obama, while clearly detailing his views on abortion and other social issues, admitted that he would make deals with Republicans in order to make Congress productive. Romney would probably rather slow down the political system than compromise.

Obama seems to be the more trustworthy presidential candidate at the moment as well as the one that I would probably vote for if the 2012 presidential election were today. I, however, am still a largely undecided voter that is willing to be swayed toward Romney's side if he is able to do so. We'll see if he does in the coming months.

Anthony Nguyen, 18, lives in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/commentary-rnc-romney-cant-sway-undecided-voter-170500683.html

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