Saturday, August 25, 2012


An interactive, one-of-a-kind RP experience.

Dragons... For hundreds of years, these majestic masters of the sky graced the world of Lyte; epics have been written narrating tales of their illustrious pearly scales glittering high in the air, dipping in betweenst the cloud not unlike dolphins. Though they were a creature of unquestionable beauty, their ferocity in combat was equally unmatched--or so we all thought.

Dragon hunters arose in legions, eager to prove their might against the fiercest of all. Not all succeeded, but those who managed to somehow best the beasts were treated with honor and nobility, for if one could beat the Masters of the Sky, truly they must be incredible. Unbeknownst to the people of Lyte, the hunting of dragons were dwindling their numbers down to a dangerous few, but when they finally realized their mistake, it was too late, and the last of the dragons fell to the blade.

We now live in a time without dragons... o'er a hundreds cycles have passed. None could claim to witness one with their own eyes, and so they began to fade unto stories of regret and sorrow. Decades past in the blink of an eye, though the extinction of the Great Race still weighed heavily upon the shoulders of humans. Dragons became revered and even worshiped in some villages.

Suddenly, as if to answer their prayers, a group arose by the name of the Draconic Vigil. They were a long-aged, traditional collective whose birth rose--in secret--with that of the first dragon hunters. They brought with them out of hiding the greatest gift the world had ever seen--dragon eggs. The followers of the Draconic Vigil were given an entire valley to use as a sanctuary, in the hopes that the Great Race could be risen from the ashes, and the mistakes of the past could be washed away clean. This wondrous valley came to be know as...

Dracona Valley


Some years have passed, and you have been chosen by the Draconic Vigil to be allowed entry into their sanctuary to do one thing, and one thing only: Adopt-a-Dragon. Why you, you may ask yourself. It is unsure of the method of selection the Draconic Vigil uses in such times, however they are always certain of their choice. A human must be paired up with a dragon if it is to be brought up in a world of humans. It is with this hope that when the dragons flourish freely once more, it will be as a friend of mankind. This is the highest honor of the past several ages; your home village is in such an ecstatic uproar that they throw a grand festival in your name, for bringing invaluable amounts of honor to your own. Once you've had some time to prepare, you set out on the journey across Lyte--your pilgrimage to Draconia Valley.

All the while, you know that once there you will be asked what type of dragon you'll want to adopt...

Will you choose a green dragon?

If nature is your thing, then you might just click very well with this particular type of dragon. In their own time, they were the protectors of the forests and all things living. As such, they were known to be fiercely loyal to those they considered worthy of their devotion. Their scales were said to be among one of the most breathtaking sights in all the land.

No? Perhaps a blue dragon would be right up your alley.

Armadent of our shores and seas, these particular breed of dragon was known to be the fastest fliers. Their bodies supported a more slender frame and and a wider wingspan, all in the preparation for long-term flights, almost making their endurance exceptionally good.

Still scrolling? Then surely a red dragon will tickle your fancy?

Overseer of the mountains and volcanic regions, this breed of dragon is known for having the greatest mastery over fire, and as such, can learn how to use it at a much earlier age. These intelligent dragons grow to be the second largest dragon, while keeping an average level of competence in agility and fighting, making this the most well-rounded dragon.

No...surely you aren't considering a black dragon?

You just might be that crazy, are you? These flying leviathans are by far the biggest dragon out of all the breeds. They are the Shadow Stalkers; The Living Nightmares; The Flying Death. Taming these dragons will be no simple task as you will soon notice they will outgrow you by a very young age. These dragons have a short temper and a nasty habit of not playing by the rules. If one could successful tame one though... that would be a sight to see. Then again, no one has ever raised a dragon from a hatchling before...ANY type of dragon!

Hello everyone! I go by the name Mazzy, and I'll be the GM of this RPG. I want to make something very clear right now: This is just going to be a 1-on-1 roleplay, which means I'll only be taking on one person to join me on this adventure!] Why, you ask? To be honest, I tried this type of RP once before, and I eventually had to abandon it because it overburdened me with too much to keep track of! You'll see why in a second when I go over what I'm offering as apart of this RP. The style we will be playing is that YOU will be the adventitious youth hoping to come and tame a dragon, while I'll be playing as...well, everything else! I will control the environments, NPCs, and random events that may happen over the course of the story.

Another reason why this is only going to 1-on-1 now... I've never done this before! Yes, I will admit to my newbiness when it comes to being a GM. I want to get my feet wet before I jump right in. Once I'm satisfied that I can even handle this RP with one person, I may consider making this a group RP, but until that time it's going to be one person.

What this RP will offer you:
+An engaging and expansive world to expore
+A quest system to keep track of what jobs need to be done
+Working marketplace
+Full map of the valley
+Dragon statistics so you know the well-being of your own dragon
+A unique dragon age-to-skill ratio that is dependent on how active and loyal you are.
+Several grand games for you and your dragon to participate in (races, fights, ect.)
+Scores of likable NPCs to interact with and befriend

What I expect from you:
+Literate RPer (Not for first-timers, sorry!)
+Guaranteed activity (The health of your dragon will depend on it!)
+A love for creativity. Just because I'm the GM, don't feel intimidated to do what you want to do! I'm providing the world and the characters, now you provide the adventure! (Note: I will also be providing quests along the way to help keep it going)
+No post limit! I understand that sometimes a post has to be short to accommodate dialogue, though I would prefer love to see a few paragraphs every post! A short post every now and again is just fine though!

Note that this project is still in it's infancy, and will take a bit longer for me to fully think out. I'm posting this right now to see if anyone would be interested in participating. Should I get some positive feedback, I will eventually make the RP and announce it to any player who asks for it (if you think you would be interested in this RP, post here saying so, and I'll PM you when it's all complete!). In the possibility that more than one person wants to join, then when the RP is created, those applicants will each create a bio for their character, and the one who I think will click with this story the best will get in. For anyone else I give my sincerest apologies, and the promise that someday in the future I will make this a group RP, and you will be among the first I call.

Implying I get anyone who wants to do this. >.>


Who controls my dragon, me or you?

You do! Let me worry about the boring statistics while you just enjoy time with your dragon.

How will the storyline start out?

With you first entering the Valley. Picking your dragon will be part of the storyline.

You mentioned something about a map. What will be in the valley?

Like I said, this is a work-in-progress, and as such I'm still working on that. I can tell you that there'll be a few distinct districts (Residential, marketplace, ect) for you to explore.

Does my activity REALLY effect my dragon's health?

Oh absolutely! The longer you are away, the greater your dragon's susceptibility to disease. Remember: a happy dragon means better stat bonuses!

What good are stats if I can't do anything with them?

Ah, but you can. Within the world there will be plenty of fun adventures for you and your dragon. The higher your stats, the higher chance of success. Also, certain quests will require certain stats.

I kind of want the black dragon now that you said I was crazy... made me feel all big and stuff. Is it really as hard as you say though?

Yes, a black dragon will be substantially harder to control, and it's loyalty harder to earn.

Is the black dragon going to be overpowered?

Not at all! All the dragons will be fairly balanced if you decide to compare them. It comes down to what you're looking for in a dragon: loyalty, speed, intelligence, or size. This isn't to say that if you choose a blue dragon, it won't be loyal to you. It just might be harder to gain its loyalty than a green dragon. Vice versa, it might be a bit more difficult to teach a green dragon to fly as well as a blue dragon.

Feel free to ask any and all questions that you have, and I'll answer them in full.


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