Monday, August 27, 2012

Dealers United, KPA Automotive Website Offer Ends This Week

Dealers United Required Features

The ?Daily Deals? model has been a rocky road of late for companies like Groupon and Living Social, but Dealers United has shown tremendous success in it?s ?Deal of the Month? offerings to car dealers. This month?s deal, a website and SEO offer with KPA, is now in its final week.

This deal is exceptional in many ways. As car dealers become accustomed to challenges they face with their website vendors, having one with a proven track-record and measurable search engine success is at the top of mind for the most web-savvy and aggressive dealerships.

In the end, it comes down to 3 things:


Commitment (and no commitment)

When KPA purchased TK Carsites last year, one component that had been challenging to get used to was the long-term commitment that is inherent with most website offerings. The high-quality vendors all have one-year or longer contracts, while the low-quality website vendors hook dealers into ineffective website platforms with month-to-month offerings. As part of Dealers United?s charter, their deals must be month-to-month and must utilize the services of the company who has the best product on the market. This created a catch-22.

KPA demonstrated the commitment to quality necessary to win the Dealers United offer, then accepted the challenge of doing so without a long-term contract. This in itself is enough to compel dealers who really want to get ahead to switch providers to a true partner in their online marketing efforts. KPA is making the commitment to quality while not requiring Dealers United members to make a commitment in term. That alone makes the deal exceptional, but it goes further?


Unprecedented Discounts

With 40% off the website platform and 53% off the optional SEO attached to the deal, Dealers United has delivered to their members something that has never and will never be offered again.

The Elite SEO product alone is normally priced at $2499 per month, but the Dealers United deal offers Elite SEO and a website for less than that. This is normally not possible; KPA Elite SEO is the highest level available from any vendor in the automotive industry and requires a tremendous amount of constant improvement to work effectively and keep ahead of changes in Google and Bing. The only reason it can be offered is because of the bargaining clout that Dealers United and its 4000 members hold in the industry.


The Connect Platform

KPA?s prowess in SEO is unquestioned ? a Google search for ?Automotive SEO? demonstrates who truly understands how to optimize websites in the industry.

Website platforms are much more subjective. Everyone claims to have the best. Everyone claims to have the best lead conversion, the easiest interface, and the most robust functionality. Who is correct? What is real?

KPA Connect was designed with search, social, and conversion as the cornerstones of the platform. It is one that is fluid ? there?s no need to upgrade or replace it when improvements are made. The platform grows based upon changes in the industry, keeping dealers on the cutting edge of marketing in the automotive industry.

Flexibility is a key to any website platform and looking at Lebanon Ford, Holiday Automotive, and other KPA website clients shows how much flexibility the platform allows.

Between the month-to-month aspect, the tremendous discount, and the power of the KPA Connect platform, dealers who want the competitive advantage required for success in today?s competitive digital marketing environment must take advantage of this deal before it ends on August 31st. To do otherwise would be a mistake.


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