Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why Your University Writing Lab Isn't Enough To Ensure Your ...

Many college students wonder why they should enlist the help of an essay editing service when they have the option of taking advantage of their university?s writing lab for free. If you?re one of these people who don?t see the value of professional essay proofreading, read on to find out why your on-campus writing lab isn?t enough to ensure that you get make the grade on your next academic masterpiece.

Labs Are Student-Staffed

More often than not, the essay editors employed by your university?s writing lab are students just like you. Yes, they?re likely English majors and have demonstrated a talent for writing, but that doesn?t necessarily mean that they have the experience, expertise, or maturity to be proficient at the strenuous job of essay proofreading.

Think about it?these students are still mastering their own craft, and they likely have papers of their own to complete as well. Are you willing to take the chance that the student conducting your essay editing session pulled an all-nighter the night before, or worse yet, did a bit too much partying prior to your essay proofreading session?

Writing Labs Are Primarily Instructional

The fact that university writing labs are instructional in nature is not a bad thing. After all, it?s the university?s responsibility to teach you good writing skills, so it makes sense that instead of ?telling? you the answer, the essay editors employed by these labs would gently lead you to discover the answer yourself. Unfortunately, this can often be a long and arduous process.

Although it may be beneficial in some circumstances, it?s certainly not the most efficient way of receiving quality essay editing.

Writing Labs Aren?t Accountable

When it comes to essay proofreading, you often get what you pay for. University writing labs are free, and they don?t come with a guarantee. That?s not to say that the vast majority of them don?t strive to provide you with quality essay editing, but since there?s no accountability, you never know what you?re going to get. Why take that chance when it comes to your academic success?

Although university writing labs have their place when it comes to essay proofreading, if you want a quick turnaround from a professional essay editor, then a professional essay editing service is the way to go. Although these services aren?t free, you?ll find the investment in your academic success to be well worth the nominal fee.



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