Monday, March 26, 2012

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

The term quitting is valued when it comes to drugs like opiates. To quit opiates demands a lot of will power and absolutely professional help from a medical specialist. The body becomes so dependent on the constituents of these opiates that these have to be eliminated medically to entirely eradicate their effects. The opiates target the brain receptors that control response to pain, emotions, and the overall mood of an individual. When initially taken they can cause a feeling of euphoria in the brain for some time. This tends to make the person want to take more and more of these medications to get this feeling all over again. Gradually the opiates become a source of pleasure and thus onsets the dependency on them. Quitting cold turkey can be dangerous for the overall health and cause a lot of pain and discomfort to a person.

When one decides to quit without any assistance, the body attempts to make an internal balance which gets disturbed due to the absence of the opiates which it is used to.

This leads to withdrawal symptoms which are initially experienced in the form of anxiousness, discomfort, body pains, insomnia and difficulty in breathing. After a few of days the individual may experience severe withdrawal symptoms ranging from cramp like pain in the stomach to diarrhea and vomiting. If the individual does not take sufficient nutrients and liquids there may be an excessive loss of electrolytes which may result in damage to various body organs and lead to their failure. Hallucination, shivering and trembling of legs have also been noted in many cases. As the overall condition of the body is poor the person becomes prone to sickness and microbial infection. This impacts everyday living and a normal life. At times when the withdrawal symptoms become unbearable, a person is likely to get back to opiates and may consume large doses due to the extreme urges in the brain.

Observing the above facts, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist before trying to quit the opiates. The specialist may advise techniques and strategies which can remove even the last trace of opiates in the body with minimal withdrawal symptoms and complications. There are some wonderful medicines available like Suboxone which is effectively used in opiate replacement treatment. These replace the opiates and gradually clear the system while rejuvenating the body back to its normal condition. The professional may advise the dosage that is best suited based upon the dependency history which may differ between individuals.

Thus it is clear that a particular person trying to quit the opiates without professional help is likely to have more intense complications during the process, which can be serious at times. With proper medical help and assistance the withdrawal symptoms can be minimized and save the individual from the pain and suffering which have already been experienced while taking opiates. The chances of going back to these medicines is also minimized and the individual can look forward to lead a normal and healthy life.


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