Thursday, November 29, 2012

We're Pleased to Partner with Society for New Communications ...

We?re thrilled today to announce that The Society for New Communications Research, a global nonprofit think tank and research and education foundation, and Social Media Today have formed a partnership to provide research, case studies, whitepapers and best practices to communications professionals and business leaders. The collaboration between our two organizations will bring the best independent, unbiased research and papers by SNCR's fellows to the Social Media Today audience.

For our members, the partnership will be bringing us a rich new source of terrific insight and research.?? SNCR?s thinking about social media over the years has blazed a lot of trails; not content to look at social media as purely as a new marketing tool, SNCR?s researchers have delved into the deeper issues around social media and politics, new roles for companies as creators of content, social media adoption in developing countries, and many more next-generation topics.? Their annual meetings are mind-bending opportunities to find out what will be happening not today, but tomorrow.

For our sponsors, this partnership will mean a new source of editorially independent content that can be branded and linked to inbound marketing efforts. We'll be producing white papers, exclusive posts, ebooks, and much more that will lend burnish to your brand, and attract new customers to your products.? SNCR?s methodologies are first-rate and their analysis acute.?? Their researchers? areas of expertise is broad, encompassing online community, social business adoption, social media globally, social media and impact, ?content marketing,? and more.? We?ll be able to bring new topics to SNCR, as well as let you know about current projects that may become part of your marketing plans.? Further, we?ll be able to use our syndication capabilities to make sure that your branded study receives the widest possible audience.

This partnership is a true benefit to both of our organizations, and please join me in thanking Jennifer McClure, Founder and CEO, and Gina Hernandez of SNCR in making this

About Society for New Communications Research (SNCR)

The Society for New Communications Research is a global nonprofit 501(c)(3) research and education foundation and think tank focused on the advanced study of the latest developments in new media and communications, and their effect on traditional media and business models, communications, culture and society. For more information, visit

About Social Media Today

Social Media Today is an independent, online community for professionals in PR, marketing, advertising or any other discipline where a thorough understanding of social media is mission-critical. Every day, we provide insight and host lively debate about the tools, platforms, companies and personalities that are revolutionizing the way we consume information.?


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