Monday, November 26, 2012

MyNewsHub | Hope For Prostate Cancer Patients

KUALA LUMPUR ? Being diagnosed with prostate cancer is the worst nightmare for any man, and due to the insidious nature of the disease, it is often detected in the later stages.

When the standard treatment regime does?nt work, the cancer spreads to other parts of the body and at this stage, it turns into metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).

Many say that at this stage, there is nothing much that can be done.

However, ?abiraterone acetate?, an oral drug, provides hope in extending the lifespan of prostate cancer patients, after they undergo final chemotherapy.

?The male body produces the androgen hormone, which stimulates growth and develops male characteristics. It also stimulates the growth of tumour in prostate cancer patients,? said Dr Albert Lim Kok Hooi, an Oncology Consultant.

??Abiraterone acetate? can help prevent prostate, adrenal gland and tumour from further producing androgen, by curtailing a critical enzyme, CYP17, in the testosterone synthesis pathway,? he told the reporters, during the launch of the drug, which is sold under the trade name, Zytiga.


Dr Albert, however, noted that those who choose this remedy, may have to bear with side effects like swelling and pain in the joints and muscles, diarrhoea, renal infection, cough, irregular heart beat and frequent urination.

?Apart from this, a patient may also suffer from heartburn and have symptoms of fever. Therefore, it is important that patients seek professional advice before starting treatment,? he said.

Meanwhile, Consultant Urologist and President of the Malaysia Urological Association, Professor Dr Azad Hassan A.Razack, highlighted that the discovery of ?abiraterone acetate? brought new hope for stage four prostate cancer patients.

The human prostate is no bigger than a walnut and is located within the male reproductive system, right under the bladder and in front of the rectum. It produces seminal fluid that carries the sperms.

When prostate cancer advances, a patient has to undergo standard treatment beforehand, in which the prostate gland is surgically removed to stop the production of androgen.

This will be followed by intensive chemotherapy sessions, but there is no guarantee that this will not lead to mCRPC.

Prof Azad also pointed out that men above 45 years of age are highly vulnerable to prostate cancer, especially when there is a family history of prostate cancer. The risks are also greater in those with high intake of dairy products or fatty food.

?The environment too plays a role, especially when one is exposed to toxins and chemicals,? he said, adding that more people in the West are diagnosed with prostate cancer compared to the people in the East.


He also noted that many men in their 70s are unaware that they have prostate cancer, due to the insidious nature of the disease, and they die due to heart problems, diabetes or old age.

?There are men who fail to seek treatment in the early stages, as they cannot accept the fact that they have been diagnosed with prostate cancer,? he said.

Prof Azad added that men in their golden years, who suspect they have problems with their prostate, should consult a doctor to undergo digital rectal examination (DRE) or the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test.

However, Prof Azad admitted that the PSA test is not a foolproof method, and therefore, it is only proper that they consult a doctor before going through the test.


When one is diagnosed with cancer, the immediate thing that crosses one?s mind is that ?this is the end?. And this is what also crossed the mind of a government pensioner, A.S Dass, 73, as soon as he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, 10 years back.

?I was really stressed when I was told that I had prostate cancer. I asked how much time was left and the doctor smiled and told me not to worry as it could be treated,? he said.

Dass recalled that prior to the diagnosis, he had no health problems or symptoms, and therefore, he took his health for granted. However, it changed when a friend pestered him to undergo a medical check-up.

?My friend gave me a discount coupon for the check-up, conducted by a health clinic. A member of the lab team in the clinic asked whether I would also like to undergo the PSA test, for an additional RM30.

?I took the PSA test and after several weeks, I was asked to see a doctor urgently,? he said. According to him, men in their 50s should take the PSA test.

He also noted that those diagnosed with prostate cancer often lose hope and stay away from treatment.

?They should seek treatment and should keep up with the treatment regime set by the doctor. They should be aware that the disease is treatable, with the discovery of ?abiraterone acetate?,? he said. ? BERNAMA



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