Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cancer myths persist | Revista Women's Health

Misconceptions about what causes cancer and how it spreads still prevalent, according to a new British study.

The researchers also found a general lack of awareness about the role of poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity play in the development of the disease.

?It is clear that there is a continuing need for education about the causes of cancer,? study researcher Paul Symonds, University of Leicester Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine, said in a statement.

Between September 2007 and January 2010, researchers at the university surveyed 279 patients who had been diagnosed with cancer in the cancer center in Leicestershire. The researchers aimed to compare cancer beliefs cancer patients surveyed in South Asia with patients with cancer of the white race.

The results showed that both groups put too much emphasis on pollution, stress and injury to cause cancer, while showing a general lack of knowledge about the possible correlation between an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity and cancer development.

?It is clear that we have much work to do to educate the public about the effect of diet and obesity,? said Symonds.

Myths about the spread of cancer

Reflecting common mistakes public about cancer, almost a quarter of participants said they believed that cancer was caused by an injury. And 20 percent of people in both groups mistakenly believe that cancer treatments ? surgery, in particular ? can cause the cancer to spread.

Nearly 30 percent of respondents believe that alternative treatments like acupuncture and herbal supplements, could be as effective as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This myth of cancer was almost twice as many patients in South Asia, as well as white patients, the study said. Cancer is a disease and like all health care is prevented before the worst happens.

?Myths as the belief that surgery causes cancer to spread and that the alternative treatment is as effective as conventional treatments should be challenged,? said researcher Karen in a statement. ?It is vital that people diagnosed with cancer should have accurate information about treatment options so they can make informed decisions about their care.?

Early detection

On a positive note, the study showed that 93 percent of the participants understood the benefits of screening tests for cancer. The vast majority of patients also believe that cancer is curable, with only 10.6 percent of the group in South Asia and 2.7 percent of the reports of the Caucasian group think it is incurable.

?The good news is that most people believe that cancer can be cured, while 84 percent shows that smoking can cause cancer,? said Symonds.

Pass it on: despite the misconceptions about the causes of cancer and how to treat common, most cancer patients believe that cancer can be cured and recognize the importance of early detection of cancer.



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