Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tips For Health Care Management Career Through Business ...

Careers in Health Care thorugh Business School

Another equally promising and high demand career area is health care management through specialization in Business School in health care management in MBA. Health care includes diverse areas concerned with the health of the society like pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, diagnostic industry, clinical trials, nursing, medical equipment and public health. These sectors so far have been managed by the technocrats. Of late health care organizations have been getting converted into corporate structures and require professional corporate managers to manage them. Here again the Business school has responded by developing new programs like MBA in Health care administration and MBA in Hospital administration. For anyone with appropriate background and aptitude this is a good area to pursue career. It gives them an advantage with managerial positions in related industries. In a way one could claim that it is also a green area as it concerns the conservation of the most valuable resource of health.

Health care is growing sector. The anticipated growth is health care industry is very high due to increased spending. As on June 2010, according to US department of Labor health care gained 217,000 jobs over the past 12 months. In US health care spending constitutes more than 15 percent of the GDP. More than 100 MBAs join the health care industry every year from Harvard Business School alone

Tips for Career in Health Care Management-Business School Path

The number of MBA programs that fall under health care is quite high. Apart from the Master of Business Administration (MBA) some schools offer Master of Science (MSc) and Master of Arts programs (M.A) in health care. There is some difference in the syllabus of business administration and Master of Science and arts programs. While the MBA programs are business oriented programs dealing with the management of profit, non profit organizations and government bodies involved in health administration and policy, the other two master?s programs tend to be more research and teaching oriented. I personally would opt for Master of Business Administration, full time program because of the need for good practical exposure to some organizations in health sector and the advantage of being able to interact with the practicing executives from this sector. I would also think that a general MBA with focus on Health care similar to the Harvard program would be best for most students except those who are already have a degree in some medical or paramedical program.

There is a difference in MBA programs in Hospital administration and MBA programs in Health care too. While, hospital administration programs are ideal for nurses and doctors health care programs are ideal for those who want to be employed in many other jobs in health care industry. There are also highly focused programs MBA in Pharmaceutical Industry management and MBA in biotech. These would be ideal for graduates holding pharmacy degrees and science degree in related area of specialization. The following examples will illustrate the diversity in the programs.


Master of health Administration

MBA in Health Care Management

MBA in Health Administration

MBA in Health Services Administration

MBA in Health Systems Management

Master of Science In Health Care Management

Please see the link below for the full list.

The Harvard MBA program in health care is general management program where student with interest in health care interest focus on health care in the second year apart from choosing health care relevant topics through the entire program. Entrepreneurship, global health, venture capital, commercializing science, managing medicine are some topics the students explore apart from the project and field studies integrated into the course.

MBA Biotec ? In Bioinformatics is a specialty that includes the process of statistics and information rapidly in this competitive industry.

The top business schools for MBA in health care management are in US

Kellogg school of Management, North Western University

The Wharton School of Business University of Pennsylvania

Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Booth School of Business University of Chicago

Top health care management programs published by US news in 2007 included

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

University of Minnesota twin cities, Minneapolis

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)( Philadelphia)

University of Washington, Seattle

Virginia Common Wealth, Richmond, Virginia

University of Alabama, Birmingham

Northwestern University Kellogg

University of California Berkeley

University of California Los Angeles

Top MBA in Health care Management and Post Grad programs in India-Tips

Top Universities and Institutes in India Offering Programs in Health Care Management include ?

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi

Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai

Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune

Apollo Institute of Health Administration, Hyderabad

Centre for Management Education, Hyderabad

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad

TA Pai Management Institute, Hyderabad

NIMS University of Hyderabad

Arora Business School Hyderabad

University of Delhi, New Delhi

Jamia Hamdardh University, New Delhi

European Programs MBA in Health Care Management and Other Post grad programs -Tips

Master of International Health Care Management Economics and Policy

SDA Bocconi, Milan Italy.

European Business School , Frankfurt Germany offers Executive MBA program

Many universities in Europe offer health care as a focus area in a general MBA program but not a dedicated MBA health care management program.

There are also MSc programs in health care in UK

Australia?s MBA in Health care Management Programs

MBA in healthcare, Monash University, Australia

MBA health Informatics, Monash University Austalia

MBA Health Service management, University of Ballarat School of Business

MBA in health Management, Curtin Business School

MBA in Health Services Management offered by Central Queens Land University, Faculty of Business and Law

Queensland University of technology, Brisbane Graduate School of Business

Southern Cross University, Graduate College of Management

Approximate Salaries for MBA in Health Care in USA

Hospital Administrator approximate salary 5-120,000 per year

Health care consultant salary $ 99,500 to 105,000 per year

Health Care Services Director of Program Management $ 90,000-95000 per year

Some major employers are IMS Health, Amedisys, Amgen, and HCA.

In India MBA in Hospital administration were paid 5-8 lakhs per year

List of Business School -MBA in Health Care Graduate Programs

Tips For Pursuing Health care management career -useful courses

1. For graduates with medical and paramedical programs MBA in health care management and MBA in health services is preferable.

2. For graduates in subjects other than medical or paramedical a general MBA may be better with focus on health care.

3. For those good in quantitative areas biotech, bioinformatics and bio engineering are preferable.

4. Students who would like to pursue research or teaching careers would be better advised to get into MA and M.SC programs in health care.

5. Most or all full time programs require GMAT

6. Unless you are employed and cannot get a study leave, full time programs will have more weight and effectiveness

7. It would be better to take courses in entrepreneurship and venture capital management to enable to work in health care start ups or invest in a start up after some years if not immediately after graduation.

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