Monday, June 17, 2013

US Postal Service remains under attack

>>> those that take a showerer after work. this is really sticking in my craw. this is a story i've done before and can't do it enough because i can't believe americans aren't outraged by this, and the democrats are not holy on this story. i want to point that out up front. this week congress is looking at yet another draft proposal on post office reform. but once again they are failing to act. now, i have been telling you on this program for years about the unjustified attack on this great american institution. back in 2006 , the lame duck session of the congress passed legislation forcing the postal service to pre-fund their pension. imagine any business in america having to fund their health care and pension for the next 75 years, and do it in a ten-year window. no one would operate like that. you know what this is? this is government intrusion. this is a government takeover, and it is a complete effort to destroy the postal service , and it amazing me how little the american people are tay peiing attention to this story and how little they know about the postal service and its operations. now, many have bought the idea that the post office , well, they're obsolete, dysfunctional. ready to shut their doors. this is not the case. another myth. taxpayers dollars fund the mail service. that is a flat out lie. zero, i mean, zero. not one penny of your tax dollars goes to the post office . this independent agency is solely funded by the purchase of stamps. the purchase of postage and other related products. the destruction of the postal service hurts everybody in this country. it is unnecessary, but where's the money? since 2006 when this legislation passed, they have had to take this money and fund their health care in advance which is about $6 billion a year on the line item budget. all of a sudden we've got government entities that are stepping up saying, hey, give us the money. it's fraudulent is what it is. for more i'm join pd by cliff guffy, president of the american postal office union. mr. guffy, great to have you with us tonight. i want you to explain the money that has been collected since this law passed in 2006 , the fund that has been accumulated and what is happening to it right now? is it really going to where it's supposed to go.

>> this is the true tragedy of the situation. all of our retirement funds are c rch cnrs and first for retirement funds for federal wokkers. t workers. the posts office are fully funded and overfunded. they asked us to pre-fund health insurance going out 75 years. of course in 2006 we almost had 300,000 more employees than we do today, because the postal service is cutting back and becoming more and more efficient because of the productivity of the employees. not only are we over funded in our retirement system, we've put $45 billion into the future retiree health insurance fund. now, that money has been collected, and they tell the postal service , we can't give you back the overages. it would be against the law. but what's happening right now today because this money is sitting there, because the federal government is under funded, and they don't -- the administration does not want to go back to congress to ask to raise the debt limit, they said, oh, here's this money sitting here that came through postage sales and it's sitting in these funds. we will utilize that money so we don't have to raise our debt borrowing limit. in other words, we'll just raid these funds. that is the tragedy for our workers.

>> it is absolutely outrageous that this money was earmarked for health care for the next 75 years. you've got to do it in a ten-year window, raise this money, and now the government's coming along raiding the fund. is that the correct word? "raiding"?

>> well, they're utilizing it and it's not for what it was put there for. it's utilized to carry the government, the subsidizeed tax dollars now, as you'd say.

>> that's unbelievable. you've got congress right now -- you've got congress right now, approval rating of 10% gallup poll and you wonder why. the stuff like this. where are the democrats? they ran on supporting the working class , sticking up for workers. this is the perfect time to stick up for workers. your thoughts on that?

>> there's a lot of the democratic leadership sticking up for the post office and postal employees and backing us pretty well. they just can't get anything done because you have the republican house controlled, issa and his group of individuals who, hey, let's contract this out, and let's have everyone in america working for, change the minimum wage to it maximum wage and say that's what everyone were work for, they have to hit a clock, and the billionaires can have everything else.

>> i'm going stay on this story. america needs to know this story. everywhere, it's wrong, it's an injustice on workers. great to have you on "the ed show" tonight. that is "the ed show." i'm ed xulschultz, see you back here 5:00 p.m . eastern time tomorrow. have a great one.


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