Friday, January 25, 2013

Officials measure seasonal flu, share health tips | flu, vaccine - Life ...

Widespread flu in other parts of the U.S. has spiked demand for flu shots in California, where some pharmacies and health clinics have offered expanded hours for vaccination.

Public health officials say it's too early to tell how severe flu season will be here, but it's not too late to protect yourself.

Staff nurse Beatriz Hernandez prepares a flu shot at the Health Care Agency's vaccination clinic in Santa Ana on Jan. 18.



Where to get vaccinated

The county's Health Care Agency is offering free shots for the uninsured or those without a medical provider. No appointment is necessary. The vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months or older.

Where: 1725 W. 17th St., Santa Ana

Information: 800-564-8448 or

When: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays-Fridays (closed 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.), 8 a.m.-noon Jan. 26

Here's a guide to what you need to know about vaccination and staying healthy:

Q. How does flu spread?

A. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says flu viruses spread mainly by droplets spread when sick people cough, sneeze or talk. The droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are as far as six feet away. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it.

Q. How long is the flu contagious?

A. Most healthy adults might be contagious for one day before symptoms develop and five to seven days after becoming sick. Young children and people with weakened immune systems can infect others for an even longer time.

Q. What's being done locally to stop the spread of the flu?

A. The county's Health Care Agency has recommended that two assisted-living residences that are dealing with flu outbreaks follow CDC measures for preventing the spread of illness. Those recommendations include keeping residents inside their rooms for meals and limiting social activities.

Some employers are working to prevent absenteeism. CB Technologies in Westminster has passed out "stay well" kits that include tissues, hand sanitizer and vitamin C.

Q. Are schools experiencing flu outbreaks?

A. Not yet, said Pamela Kahn, the Orange County Department of Education's health and wellness coordinator.

"We're a little more watchful because of the severity of what we've seen back East, so we're watching it a little more vigilantly, but it hasn't risen to the level where it's getting reported to us," Kahn said.

This year's flu viruses appear to be following traditional trajectories and aren't hitting student-age populations to any unusual degree, Kahn added.

How can individuals avoid getting sick?

A. Wash your hands frequently. Stay home when sick. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at home, work and school. Most importantly, public health officials say, get vaccinated.

Q. Who should get the flu vaccine?

A. Everyone 6 months and older, according to the CDC.

Q. Is it too late to get vaccinated?

No. As long as flu season isn't over, it's not too late to get vaccinated, even during the winter.

Q. Are there shortages of flu vaccine?

A. Dr. Gil Chavez, epidemiologist for the state Department of Public Health, said California has received 18 million doses of vaccine and 15 million more are available nationwide. "We have not heard of any widespread shortages," he said. "That is a very, very adequate supply." Chavez said in some instances providers have run out because of heightened demand tied to publicity about severe illness in other parts of the U.S.

The county's Health Care Agency is offering expanded vaccination hours. To find a place to get vaccinated, go to

Q. How long before the vaccine takes effect?

A. About two weeks.

What if I've already had the flu this season?

A. Get vaccinated anyway, advises Quynh Gredig, supervising nurse for the county's vaccination clinic. She said some people might think they've had the flu, but that's impossible to know without a lab test. Additionally, the shot offers protection against three viruses. If you've had one, it's still conceivable that you could contract another strain.

Q. Can the vaccine make me sick?

A. No. The vaccine can't give you the flu, the CDC says. The most common side effects from the shot are a sore arm and possibly a slight fever or achiness. If you get the nasal spray, which uses a weakened live virus, you could get congestion, sore throat or a runny nose.

Q. How effective is the vaccine?

A. Early data suggests that this season's vaccine so far is reducing the chance of a vaccinated person going to the doctor for the flu by about 60 percent, the CDC says. That estimate falls within the range of what is expected for seasons when the most common flu viruses in circulation were included in the vaccine.

Immunity after vaccination can vary widely, based in part on a person's age and health. The vaccine works best for young, healthy adults and older children. People with certain chronic illnesses might develop less immunity.

Q. Is the stomach flu really the flu?

A. Many people use "stomach flu" to describe illness with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Many viruses, bacteria or parasites can cause these symptoms. Such symptoms are rarely the main characteristics of the flu, which is a respiratory disease and not a stomach or intestinal disease.

Q. How is the flu vaccine developed each year?

A. The flu vaccine is formulated each year to keep up with the flu viruses as they change.

The CDC says the vaccine is developed based on research as to what strains will circulate in a given year. Monitoring of flu activity around the world is used as well as estimates by scientists.

Q. How well does this year's vaccine match the flu viruses that have been lab tested for sick patients?

A. Very well. As of this month, 91 percent of the flu viruses found and analyzed by the CDC are like the viruses included in this season's vaccine.

Q. Are health care workers required to get vaccinated?

A. No. Under state law, hospitals must offer the shot to their employees free of charge and workers must sign a declaration if they don't want it. Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bill that would have required health care workers to be vaccinated or to wear a mask around patients during flu season.

"In terms of flu vaccination among health care workers, we really do believe that is extremely important," Chavez said. "It makes a huge difference to their patients. The flu is particularly severe, particularly deadly among folks that have an underlying condition. These are the very folks you find in hospitals."

Q. How serious is the flu season in California this year?

A. It's too soon to tell, but by most accounts it will be more severe than in the previous two years, which were mild.

"Generally we see the flu peak in late February or in March," Chavez said. "In previous years, at this time of year, we would expect to see less activity. That's why we believe it's either an early start to the flu season or what could be a worse season."

Staff writers Scott

Martindale and Kevin Sablan

contributed to this report.

Contact the writer: 714-796-3686



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