Monday, April 30, 2012

Zillow, Mum On $45M RentJuice Rumor, Launches First Dedicated Rental App, On Android

zillow rentalsZillow, according to one report, may be closing in on a deal to buy rental marketing software maker RentJuice for $45 million, but in the meantime the online property portal is focusing on the rental market in another way: by launching its first dedicated rentals app -- a free app for Android devices. Zillow Rentals is the latest development in Zillow's strategy for mobile, which -- now numbering at 10 apps -- has become a huge part of its business: on weekends, a full 40 percent of all of Zillow's traffic -- 32 million uniques in March -- comes from mobile devices, and in the same month 155 million homes on Zillow were viewed from mobile devices: that works out to 57 homes per second, the company tells me. And although users are able to view some rental information on the original app, the new, dedicated app gives a speedier and more streamlined experience for the fast, high-volume property viewing that characterizes the average would-be renter, says Jeremy Wacksman, VP of marketing at Zillow.

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