Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Avoid 7 Mistakes with Your Online MLM Business

online mlmBuilding a business using Online MLM strategies has exploded in the past 5 year alone. The days of saying to yourself, ?I just don?t know how this computer thing works? is over. You can?t use that excuse anymore.

If your not building your business using Online MLM strategies then you are being left behind. In today?s world we can communicate at lighting speed with anyone instantly. The questions is are you going to learn the correct way or still do hotel meetings?

There is a correct way to building your Online MLM business and I want to help you avoid some deadly mistakes I see many doing online.


I want to say something twice so you understand it. People do not join your MLM company because of the products or compensation plan. Again, people do not join your MLM company because of the products or compensation plan. People join your company because of YOU.

The mistake everyone makes is just blasting their replicated online MLM website all over the Internet. I see many that spend their last dime buying PPC on google or facebook. If there are 20,000 other people in your MLM company. They are all doing the same thing. Taking the same replicated website and blasting it all over the Internet. Build your Online MLM business around YOU and not the company.

Advertising is buying ads, blasting your link all over facebook and twitter. People do not like advertising and your social media account could get shut down.

Marketing is telling stories, and the best way to tell stories is with training. The correct way to market yourself is telling your story. Letting others know how you are building your business using the Internet. People want to hear these things. And this will build a huge branding for YOU.

Online MLM mistake number three is failing to build a list

Day one in your Online MLM strategies is to start and build a list. This can be in 2 forms. One can be building up friends and followers in your social media accounts. Two is to start collecting emails from others interested in learning more about Online MLM techniques. Use third party companies like Aweber or Getresponse to setup your email list building. Then each day send out a quick tip, or tutorial on a new online MLM strategies you learned. This builds trust and rapport with others.

Online MLM mistake number four is having no patients.

Many people give up on their online MLM building because they don?t see any results. Building your Online MLM business takes time and patients. You could work everyday for the next 6 months and never make a dime. But that does not mean you give up, because your efforts are not lost. The Internet will not reward you right away. But over time with patients, you will start to see the results you are looking for.

Online MLM mistake number five not promoting other products

Your MLM business is going to take time to build up. This could take a year before you see your downline grow. The mistake is see is people are so focused on just building their MLM company not trying to market other products. Offer other products that you can make a commission on. This will give you some cash you need while your building your Online MLM business.

Online MLM mistake number six failing to look for customers

Sure it takes a big team to build your MLM downline. But you can?t forget about customers and your products. If you products help solve a problem for someone then offer that to them. Many people will want to just get signed up and use the products. So try not to be in recruit mode all the time. Customers will keep your sales volume going strong.

Online MLM mistake number seven failing to use Video

Video is the best way to build trust with your followers. If you are helping solve a problem they have. Which is usually failing at their MLM business. Then you can make videos on how they can use Online MLM strategies to help build their business.

If You Are NOT in MLSP, then Sign Up Here to work with me directly.

If You ARE in MLSP, Message Me On Facebook and we?ll discuss your options to work with me directly.

P.S. PS: I'm looking for 3 people who I can teach how to get to $599 per month in the next 30 days. Watch this video and then call me.
Steps 2 Success

Source: http://winwithtylerpratt.com/online-mlm-2/

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