Wednesday, January 4, 2012

London Is Amazing-And I've Only Seen A Few Streets ? London, United Kingdom

Flag of United Kingdom? London, England, United Kingdom
Monday, July 7, 2008

It's about one thirty here and I'm in Nancy's office.??It's in a garage, but it's really nice and on a cute little street.

The flight over yesterday was interesting.? It was my first flight, and I was taking it alone. ?Mom and Dad and I went to the airport really early for my 8AM flight. ?They got me food from a Dunkin' Donuts but I really wasn't hungry - too nervous. ?We added the escort service for minors at the airport, although we though we had already set it up. ?Some law requires that unaccompanied minors not sit next to a man, so they moved the other guy in my row and I had a whole row to myself. ?I appreciated that because I was bouncing around from nerves and uncomfortableness, and I made a fool of myself because I didn't know how to use the TV.?

My seat looked out over one of the airplane wings, which I liked because I felt more grounded. ?Being in the air was awesome; I loved watching all the clouds and the ice on the window and later flying over Ireland. ?The captain kept us entertained by updating us passengers about the tennis finals occurring at Wimbledon at the time. ?I didn't like take off or coming back down at all, but it was nice with the escort because I could bypass all the lines.? I got seated first, got through customs really fast, and had some really nice helpers to keep me from getting lost in Heathrow.


One of the most amazing things was during the descent, I kept my eyes out the window the whole time.? The view was so cool, and though I knew it was England and thought I saw the Thames, when I saw the London Eye it really hit me that was going to London.

Nancy's house is tiny, just a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom.? Two floors.? I love it, though everything drips and I'll be living on a blow up mattress in her living room for a month, but it's worth it.? Nancy calls it "going back in time."

It's a bit strange in her tiny car; I tried to get in the wrong side and it's strange being on the wrong side of the road.? (I got to see my first double decker bus!) We walked to her office this morning (afternoon really, she let me sleep till twelve) so she could show me how to cross the streets and know the way.? It's take me a while, but hopefully soon I'll be able to walk around on my own.

P.S.? The symbols are all strange on this computer, so its taking me a while to find the right ones.? For example:

Shift + 2 = "
Shift + 3 = ?
Shift + "/' = @


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