Friday, November 11, 2011

Mariah Carey done having children

It looks like ?dem babies? are going to be just enough for Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, pending heavenly intervention.

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The singing superstar told Access Hollywood on Wednesday she has no plans to have more children in the future.

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?If God chooses to do that to me, then that would happen; other than that, I don?t think we would try for that ever again,? Mariah told Access as she promoted her new partnership with Jenny Craig, where she is a paid spokesperson. ?I really don?t know if I can make it through after what I went through, it was really tough.?

Slideshow: Celebrity moms (on this page)

Mariah ? who said she is also developing a cream that will help women with stretch marks ? said giving birth to twins Moroccan and Monroe, via C-section earlier this year, was a tremendous process.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Hollywood?s Smokin? Hot Couples

?I was in a lot of pain because o the fact that they?re twins.... I had a rough one.... I just want people to be prepared that it can happen where you go through a rough time when you?re pregnant,? Mariah said. ?I did develop gestational diabetes. I?m good with that now, I?m ok, but you just have to be careful, nutritionally.?

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