Sunday, October 9, 2011

Promoting Men's Health With The Best Supplements | Health

Promoting Men?s Health With The Best Supplements

By now we all know that in order to stay strong healthy and fit proper nutrition is essential. It is a fact that many of us are not receiving much needed vitamins and nutrients solely from diet alone. Men who want to look muscular and fit realize that there is a considerable amount of work to be done in order to reach their goals. There are three critical things we all must do in order to accomplish this. First we need a consistent workout program, secondly we have to have a healthy diet and last we all need a supplementation program to assist us. This raises the question ?what are the best supplements for men??

Concern over health and fitness has really taken root over the last few decades. We have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge over this time about nutrition and the importance of exercise in our daily lives. A vast array of new products have been introduced which are all designed and claim to help us in achieving better overall health and fitness. A common mistake that many men make today is to choose a vitamin supplement simply because it claims to increase energy. You need to do a little more research into what is best to be including in your supplementation program. You can incorporate input from your doctor or personal trainer to help you with this. Once you decide on which supplements are best you need to read labels and make sure that you are buying a high quality supplement from a reputable manufacturer.


If you take vitamins and supplements you need to be aware that the recommended daily dosages are there for a reason and should be followed. It is now believed that supplementation is essential to good health and many health care professionals recommend taking them.

We all require a vast array of nutrients and vitamins to keep us in optimal health. Some of these help our bodies complete complex chemical reactions, increase our immune system or help us with weight to look our best. Vitamin deficiencies can cause a host of diseases which can include rickets and beriberi. With our hectic lifestyles we do not always get the required nutrients from the foods that we eat. This is why supplementation is essential for people.

So let us look at what are the best supplements for men to remain in optimal health.

Boron will help us increase memory and concentration. Men who have adequate supplies have a 75% less chance of developing prostate cancer. Studies have shown that the United States has the lowest rate of boron intake in the world. This may be one of the reasons for increased cancer rates. It is recommended that intake of boron should be 3 mg/day.

Calcium is another important vitamin for men. It has been associated in recent years with osteoporosis in women but the truth is that as men age they are also susceptible to osteoporosis related fractures. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and is also responsible for a vast array of chemical reactions that keep us healthy. This is one of the best supplements for men over 50. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are excellent sources.

Folic acid will decrease the amount of an amino acid called homocysteine which has been associated with blood clots and Alzheimer?s disease. It can also help prevent clogged arteries and increase blood flow to the brain. It is recommended that you get 500 mg/day. Foods high in folic acid would be fortified breads and citrus fruit.

Vitamin D is manufactured by the body after exposure to sunlight. With our lifestyles today many do not get enough exposure to the sun and we need get this from supplementation or diet. Vitamin D deficiency is very common in this country with over 70% of children under the age of 21 suffering from it. Within this age group it has been associated with an increase in the incidence of obesity.

These are the more important vitamins for men but remember to stick with the recommended manufacturers dosages. Vitamins and supplements can cause adverse health symptoms if they are overdone.

Proceed to best supplements immediately if you are concerned about maintaining optimal health. Additional resources on men?s health can be found on our blog Healthy Living for Life

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