Monday, October 31, 2011

Morning Links (Theagitator)

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Officials arrest 70 in major Arizona drug bust (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Law enforcement officials in Arizona seized thousands of pounds of narcotics and arrested at least 70 suspected drug smugglers with apparent ties to a violent drug cartel in Mexico, an official involved with the investigation in the U.S. Southwest told Reuters on Sunday.

The operation, which included three raids conducted jointly by local, state, and federal officials over 17 months, led to the arrests of Mexican and American nationals working with the notorious drug cartel based in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Authorities confiscated drugs, money, weapons, ammunition, and bullet-proof vests, cracking a "sophisticated network" of international drug smuggling in one of the largest such operations conducted in the Southwestern United States, the official said.

Drugs were smuggled from Mexico into Arizona by car, plane, on foot, and through tunnels.

"This is one of the more substantial drug-smuggling operations going on right now. This is a billion-dollar drug trade organization linked to the cartel," the official said.

The cartel is headquartered in the northwestern state of Sinaloa on Mexico's Pacific coast, an area home to big marijuana and opium poppy plantations and considered the cradle of Mexican narcotics trafficking since the 1960s.

The cartel is believed to handle 65 percent of all drugs illegally transported to the United States, drug experts say.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed in drug-related violence since Mexican President Felipe Calderon launched his military campaign against the cartels after he took office in late 2006.

Further details of the operation will be released at a press conference at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration field office in Phoenix on Monday. The raids were overseen by the DEA, Arizona state officials, and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

The official said the operation will shed light on elaborate drug smuggling into the United States and said the contraband confiscated in the raids was "jaw-dropping."

Officials captured some of the key players in the smuggling operation, the source said, adding that the suspects will be prosecuted at the state level.

The official said law enforcement officials are still looking for dozens of people in connection with the operation.

(Reporting by Eric Johnson in Chicago; Additional reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky in Washington; Editing by Eric Walsh)


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Perry urges repeal of New Hampshire gay marriage law (reuters)

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Of Flash Mobs and Four Loko

Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

On an ordinary afternoon at Copenhagen Central Station, a performer sets up a drum in the center of a large hall. A cellist joins him. A woman approaches with her flute. They strike up a melody that seems familiar. A clarinet and bassoon and other instruments start playing. People pull out their cell phones and record video. Within minutes an entire symphony orchestra has assembled in the middle of the station, and suddenly it?s clear that this isn?t just your typical street performance; it?s the Copenhagen Philharmonic, and the tune is Ravel?s Bol?ro. This musical flash mob is a very different experience from watching an orchestra perform in a music hall, perhaps because of the novelty of the surroundings.

The same sort of disconnect may explain the peculiar potency of Four Loko, a fruit flavored, caffeinated, alcoholic drink that was invented by three Ohio State University students in 2005. Following a series of reported hospitalizations, in 2010 the Food and Drug Administration declared that it was illegal to add caffeine to alcoholic beverages, and the makers of Four Loko complied.

Case closed? That caffeinated alcoholic drinks are dangerous is clear, but is caffeine the culprit? Shepard Siegel, a psychologist at McMaster University in Ontario writing in a recent issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, doesn?t think so.

For one thing, caffeine doesn?t seem to affect the way that alcohol gets absorbed by the body. Moreover, many drugs, including alcohol, are known to be more potent if they are taken in an unusual context. In a 1976 paper in Science, Siegel termed this the ?situational specificity of tolerance.? Environmental variables ranging from the room where a drug is administered to flavor cues can influence an individual?s drug-related tolerance. What this comes down to is classical Pavlovian conditioning. The body of a social drinker learns to prepare for the alcohol in response to the environment, before the alcohol is even ingested. Siegel?s argument is that people became especially drunk after drinking Four Loko because of the unexpected way in which it was presented: it doesn?t actually taste like alcohol.

If Siegel is right, the decaf approach that the manufacturer of Four Loko has now taken could be troubling. It has announced a new beverage that comes with ?a brand new flavor profile every four months.? This doesn?t fix the problem. Once someone becomes tolerant to the effects of the alcohol in one flavor, his or her tolerance would be eliminated when the next one is released. Intentional or not, Four Loko takes advantage of the situational specificity of tolerance. It has more in common with the
Copenhagen Philharmonic flash mob than with your morning cuppa joe.


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dog survived gas chamber, up for adoption in NJ (AP)

NEWARK, N.J. ? Unnamed and unwanted, the young beagle mix was left anonymously in a drop box outside an Alabama pound. His life was supposed to end in a gas chamber.

Instead, the young stray emerged frightened but unscathed, wagging his tail. Now, he's being hailed as a miracle dog, given the name Daniel after the biblical figure who survived the lion's den.

And he has a fresh start in New Jersey, where a rescue group hopes to find him a good home.

Only three animals have survived the gas chamber at the Animal Control facility in Florence, Ala., in the past 12 years. "Maybe God just had a better plan for this one," said city spokesman Phil Stevenson.

Daniel's tail never stopped wagging as he stepped off a plane at a New Jersey airport, where he was flown Wednesday by the nonprofit Eleventh Hour Rescue group and placed with volunteer Jill Pavlik until he can be adopted.

"He's absolutely fabulous," Pavlik, a hairdresser who works and lives in northern New Jersey, said Friday. "He walked in the house like he had always lived there. He's very sweet, happy and outgoing."

Linda Schiller, the shelter's founder and president, said the facility has already received about 100 applications from people around the country seeking to adopt Daniel. About half said they weren't interested in adopting another dog if the 20-pound Daniel wasn't available.

"Maybe we'll get a cosmetic surgeon to make all our dogs look like Daniel," Schiller said jokingly. She added that Daniel, while thin, hadn't shown any residual effects of his ordeal.

No one is sure why Daniel was the lone survivor. "It may be that his breathing was shallow because of a cold or something," Stevenson said.

He said the gas chamber is a stainless-steel box roughly the size of a pickup truck bed, and dogs are put into the chamber about seven or eight at a time. A computer-controlled pump slowly feeds carbon monoxide into the chamber once it's sealed, and an operator presses a button.

Normally, the animals just go "to sleep slowly. It's like the cases you hear about where people are overcome by carbon monoxide in their home and just never wake up," he said.

On that Oct. 3 day, a new animal control officer placed the stray beagle into the chamber with several other animals and started the machine, Stevenson said.

Variables that could allow a dog to survive such a gassing include the number of animals placed in the chamber, the concentration of carbon monoxide, whether the chamber is airtight or gas is leaking out and the health of the animal, said Julie Morris, senior vice president of community outreach for the ASPCA. Young, healthy animals have the best chance for survival.

Since carbon monoxide is heavier than air, it sinks, so a tall dog, or one that climbed to the top of a pile, would have a better chance of surviving, she said.

Vinny Grosso, the Florence animal shelter's director, said Daniel showed up in one of the shelter's "drop box" cages where people can drop off animals anonymously.

"It was an unwanted dog. ... We didn't have a history on him," he said.

As many as 30 animals a month are put down; Stevenson said Daniel was the third dog he could remember surviving in the last 12 years.

"It's just very, very rare," Grosso said, adding that the shelter's policy calls for officials to find surviving animals a new home.

Grosso said the shelter is limited by law on how many dogs it can hold and had just taken in 60 in one day. Because of the huge number, it had to pick some to put down, and strays like Daniel, dropped off with no evidence of an owner, are the first to go.

Mindy Gilbert, Alabama director for the Humane Society of the United States, said Daniel's story explains why the group pushed the Alabama Legislature to ban gas chambers for euthanizing dogs, effective Dec. 31. She said many states still use them.

"They are still considered a humane method in many parts of the country."

At least 15 states, including New Jersey and New York, have banned carbon monoxide for euthanizing shelter animals.

The ASPCA recommends injections of sodium pentobarbital for euthanizing shelter animals because it is faster, quicker and safer than carbon monoxide.

Pavlik, who was worked with Eleventh Hour Rescue for seven years, said she planned to proceed with the adoption process with an abundance of caution due to the publicity generated by the case.

"We're going to be very careful," she said. "He's a dog; he's a lucky dog, but he's a dog. And there are a lot of nutty people out there."

Grosso said he was pleased to see the reception Daniel got in New Jersey and hopes his story will increase adoptions.

"It was a great ending to a kind of bizarre story," he said.


Associated Press writer Jay Reeves in Birmingham, Ala., Phillip Rawls in Montgomery, Ala., and Angela Delli Santi in Trenton, N. J., contributed to this report.


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How Hotels and Travel Companies Are Nailing Social Media (Mashable)

The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, an inbound marketing software company based in Cambridge, MA, that makes a full platform of marketing software and tools for lead generation tools. Apart from restaurants, there are few businesses whose fates are linked as closely to online reviews as hotels. That's why Accorhotels' move in late 2010 is considered so bold.

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Last September, the hotel chain began featuring reviews from TripAdvisor on some of its sites. Since Accorhotels has no control of the TripAdvisor content, it's a bit like posting every review of your restaurant -- not just the favorable ones -- in your window. "There's no question TripAdvisor plays hugely in this space," says Melissa Parrish, an interactive marketing analyst at Forrester Research who covers the travel industry. "They make or break certain kinds of hotels."

But the hotel chain, which runs Motel 6 and Sofitel among others, was merely acknowledging the obvious: Consumers no longer get all their information about your establishment from your marketing materials. In addition to TripAdvisor, there are blogs and sites like Kayak that aggregate reviews. People thinking of trying out a hotel can also canvas their friends on Facebook or the multitudes on Twitter.

[More from Mashable: Thanks to Mashable?s Socially Savvy Supporters]

Parrish says the savviest players in the segment have figured out a way to control some of that social media chatter by using social media as a sounding board for positive experiences. A few of the noteworthy approaches are outlined below.

Harnessing Social Media Comments

Carnival benefits from a curious phenomenon specific to the travel industry -- "social media bragging." Jordan Corredera, director and general manager of Carnival Online, says that even people who never go on social media will do so when they're on vacation, if only to rub their friends' noses in it. That's not the only time they go on, though. Many consumers like to hit the site before their trip to psyche themselves up for it. Typical of this sort of interaction is this comment from Carnival fan Jessica Ayala: "I cannot wait until October 29 on the Carnival Dreams."

Carnival's primary hub for this kind of social media activity is its Facebook Page, which at present has about 1.2 million fans. (For comparison's sake, Disney Cruise Lines has about 600,000 fans.) Like other brands that run successful Facebook Pages, Carnival asks a lot of open-ended questions about pleasant topics. For instance, a recent status update that asked, "Carnival sails all over the place, but there must be a destination that?s your favorite. Which port would you recommend to a friend? Why?" got 479 likes and more than 700 comments. "We're a very social brand," says Corredera. "Given the experiential nature of a carnival cruise, the best way to deliver that is through the comments of Carnival customers."

Carnival uses other social media channels, like Twitter and YouTube, of course, but everything goes back to Facebook. The company's ads are tagged with a plea to visit its Facebook Page and videos that show up on the company's YouTube channel premiere on Facebook first.

An International Approach

Not surprisingly, many brands in the travel category have footprints all over the world. Since many areas around the world lag in social media adoption, global travel brands can circumvent that challenge. Four Seasons' approach has been to establish a social media presence for all its far-flung locales.

For instance, there is a primary Twitter feed for Four Seasons' global brand, but the brand's Twitter page includes a URL that lays out dozens of feeds from around the world. Creating that kind of presence isn't easy, says Felicia Yukich, manager of social media marketing. "It means training people in Cairo how to tweet and teaching people in Bangkok how to post something on Facebook," she says.

All that work pays off in the sense that it provides armchair travelers with a quick portal into exotic Four Seasons outposts. For example, are you curious what the Four Seasons in Beirut is like? The Twitter feed for that hotel includes a stream of photos, including the one above.

Embracing Users' Comments

Customer reviews are a cornerstone of online retail sites like Amazon, but travel brands have been more hesitant to embrace online reviews. There's nothing nefarious about this -- who hasn't been dissuaded from staying at a hotel or B&B because of one stinging review that, for all you know, could have been written by the proprietor's chief competitor? Why do bad reviews carry more weight for a travel brand? Think about it: If you order a product and it doesn't live up to the hype, you can always send it back. But book the weekend at the wrong hotel and you've ruined a one-time experience. Why take the chance on a place that's been reviewed badly, even if most of the reviews are good?

Nevertheless, Dennis Schaal, North America editor for travel news publication Tnooz, says many hotels have accepted the reality that users are going to check out TripAdvisor, and seeing a TripAdvisor widget on a hotel website is no longer unusual. Schaal says the inclusion of the widget demonstrates confidence. "If you're a lousy hotel, chances are you wouldn't want to put your reviews on there," he says. Seasoned travelers know that reviews on the site should be taken with a grain of salt anyway, he says. "Some of the reviews are fake, but if you disregard the over-the-top favorable ones and the really bad ones and look in the middle, you should get a good idea."

Series supported by HubSpot

The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, an inbound marketing software company based in Cambridge, MA, that makes a full platform of marketing software and tools for lead generation tools.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Consumer spending up in September on savings (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Sluggish growth in U.S. consumer income in September led households to cut back on saving to increase their spending, casting doubts over the durability of the economy's third-quarter growth spurt.

The Commerce Department said on Friday consumer spending increased 0.6 percent, matching expectations, after a 0.2 percent gain in August. Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity.

With income edging up 0.1 percent last month, spending was at the expense of saving, which dropped to an annual rate of $419.8 billion, the lowest level since August 2009, from $479.1 billion in August.

The saving rate, the percentage of disposable income socked away, fell to 3.6 percent, the slowest since December 2007, from 4.1 percent in August.

Income fell 0.1 percent in August and economists had expected a 0.3 percent increase in September.

"Very weak income, but very solid consumption even though consumer confidence is in recession. So that's good news for the economy," said Kurt Karl, chief U.S. economist at Swiss Re in New York. "(But) it's hard to sustain without more income growth."

A separate report from the Labor Department showed wages and salaries expanded 0.3 percent in the third quarter -- the smallest rise in a year -- after gaining 0.4 percent pace in the prior quarter.

U.S. Treasuries prices held steady at higher levels after the data. Stock index futures were lower after a big rally on Thursday, while the euro extended a decline against the dollar.

In September, inflation-adjusted disposable income slipped 0.1 percent, declining for a third straight month.

Sturdy consumer spending contributed to gross domestic product growing at a 2.5 percent annual pace in the third quarter, the fastest rate in a year, after an anemic 1.3 percent rate in the second quarter. Much of the spending data was included in Thursday's GDP report.

But given that income is not driving spending, the economy could lose some of its new found momentum. Consumer spending grew at a 2.4 percent pace in the last quarter, the fastest in nearly a year.

Stubbornly high unemployment, characterized by a jobless rate that has been stuck above 9 percent for five consecutive months, is restraining income growth. Last month, wages and salaries rose 0.3 percent after dipping 0.1 percent in August.

But subsiding inflation pressures should offer households some relief. A price index for personal spending rose at a 0.2 percent rate last month, slowing from August's 0.3 percent pace. In the 12 months through September, the PCE index was up 2.9 percent after rising by the same margin in August.

A core inflation measure, which strips out food and energy costs, was flat last month after increasing 0.2 percent in August. In the 12 months through September, core PCE rose 1.6 percent after increasing 1.7 percent in August.

The Federal Reserve would like this measure close to 2 percent.

(Reporting by Lucia Mutikani and Jason Lange; Editing by Neil Stempleman)


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Obama voters, Muslims need not apply for gun class

A central Texas gun dealer ran radio ads advising "Socialist" liberals, those who voted for President Barack Obama, Arabs and Muslims that they need not apply for his concealed gun license class.

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Crockett Keller, who owns Keller's Riverside Store, ran the ads on the radio station in his rural hometown of Mason, which is 120 miles west of the state capital of Austin.

"If you are a Socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class," Keller said in the ad. "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

"Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab, or Muslim, I will not teach you the class," Keller said.

Keller said he is simply exercising his freedom to teach concealed handgun license classes to whomever he wants. He said he has received "hundreds" of calls from Americans who support his stance.

"I should have had the class next week instead of this week, I could have had 500 people in it," Keller said on Friday.

He said he was not joking when he put the lines about socialists in his commercial, because he knows some socialist liberals and did not want them to enroll in the class.

"I didn't want them to show up and have to tell them no," he said.

The Texas Department of Public Safety, which oversees the concealed carry program, and licenses instructors, said in a statement that "certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes, and conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion would place that instructor's certification at risk."

The department said it had begun an investigation into the matter, and would "take appropriate administrative action based on the findings of from the investigation."

Adults in Texas are allowed to carry concealed weapons if they have completed a class such as the one Keller teaches.

Keller wrapped up his radio by saying: "With no shame, I'm Crockett Keller. Thank you, and may God bless."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Friday, October 28, 2011

This Fire-Breathing Jack-o-Lantern Will Light Up Your Halloween Night [Video]

This Fire-Breathing Jack-o-Lantern Will Light Up Your Halloween Night Instructables user randofo wanted something really special in front of his house this Halloween, so he decided his jack-o-lantern should breathe fire when activated by remote control. He says, and we agree, that you absolutely shouldn't make this, but it'll definitely be the talk of the neighborhood on any doorstep if the trick-or-treaters see it on Halloween night.

Again, it's worth saying that making something like this is extremely dangerous and should not be tried at home. Randofo used a Squidbee remote transmitter and receiver, a small can of WD-40 as accelerant (used in short bursts,) a tea light as a pilot light, and all of the components required for the remote trigger and to start and stop the flow of of WD-40 to the tea light. It's definitely a fun watch, and Randofo does walk you through the steps required to build it, but it's definitely too dangerous for the average pumpkin carver. It's still impressive to watch, though.

Flamethrowing Jack-O-Lantern | Instructables

You can reach Alan Henry, the author of this post, at, or better yet, follow him on Twitter or Google+.


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OmniFocus (for Mac)

Business, Personal
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Mac OS

Editor's Note: This product has not yet been tested. The following description is based on information provided by the manufacturer.

OmniFocus ($79.99) is a powerful productivity management application for Mac computers, with versions for iPad and iPhone as well. The program helps you manage your tasks, stay on top of deadlines, and break down complex tasks into more manageable to-do list items. The OmniFocus app is more complex than a standard listmaker app, with an inbox, Web clipper, and the ability to easily separate personal goals from professional assignments.

One of its features is the ability to capture miscellaneous to-dos on the fly with a quick entry panel, which moves new items into an inbox until you're ready to process and organize them. Other features include the ability to add start dates, due dates, time estimates, and task recurrence schedules. You can also upload attachments.

The $80 app comes with a syncing service, which puts your task database into the cloud so that all your Apple devices (Macs, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad) have the most up-to-date information.?


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes - Choose a Commercial Auto ...

Commercial auto insurance quotes are given to many individuals who are seeking commercial auto coverage. However, because there are so many companies that are out there who offer commercial auto insurance quotes, it can be a difficult process finding the right one that will give you a decent price for the coverage that you are seeking. The main problem with getting commercial vehicle insurance quotes is that many of the companies that offer commercial auto insurance will require you to pay for the quotes that you have requested. Though you might have to pay for some estimates, it is not necessarily something that you will have to do. When comparison shopping for commercial auto insurance quotes, you will need to take several steps so that you are certain that you are getting the best possible price for your low rate vehicle coverage.

The Commercial Insurance Brief

There are four steps for you to take when you are comparison shopping for commercial automobile insurance quotes. Though you might have to repeat some steps and some steps might take longer than others, in the end when you have the coverage that you really want and that you really need, you will be happy that you took the time to get the commercial automobile insurance quotes. There is not necessarily a one company for you, but there are companies out there that might be more fitting for you and your situation. For this reason, you should never settle. Because of all of the companies that are available to sell you commercial auto insurance, you will find that there is going to be a company somewhere out there that will provide you with a better plan than one you might settle with. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that you will be happy with the price. On the contrary, no one likes to pay insurance companies for their auto coverage, but it is a necessary payment to ensure that you are getting the required coverage for your vehicle.


The Steps to Insurance

The first step to the comparison shopping process is getting estimates from areas around you. When you first start out, only take estimates from companies that will not require that you pay for your commercial automobile quotes. These companies might not be as numerous in smaller areas, but if you are in a largely populated area, chances are you can find one of these companies. This way, you can get all of the free estimates that you possibly can to help with your shopping.

Once you have all of the free quotes, go through them to see if there are any that are in your price range. Narrow all of the companies down to the top three companies so that your choice will be that much easier when you are ready to choose your absolute final company. It might not be as easy as just narrowing the field down, but if you are diligent and particular about your choices, you will find that there are plenty of benefits to a certain number of companies while benefits for another company might not be as high.

If you find that your commercial car insurance quotes are not enough or that you did not get enough of them, then you can repeat step one, only going back to companies that did not offer free quotes. Look around to find the auto companies that will make you pay. Though this might not be a fun experience, you need to make sure that you have all of the auto information necessary before you make your final decision on what company you will go with absolutely.

The final step is, of course, picking your finalist. If you are still having trouble deciding, go through the companies and call them. Ask if they can reduce their commercial auto insurance in exchange for your auto business. If they cannot, call the other auto companies to see if there is anything that they can do for you. Pit them against one another so that at least one of them might be willing to lax their quotes in exchange for your business. Most auto companies just want to get you auto coverage, so be picky so that you have the ultimate say.

There are many companies out there that will sell you commercial auto insurance quotes for a low price. Then again, there are also many that will give you free commercial automobile insurance quotes. No matter what kinds of quotes you get, they will all lead you to the same place, your final decision. Once your final decision has been made, you will find that you have the best possible coverage for your individual situation. Though the shopping process is long, in the end, it will be worth it.


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You Can Spill All Your Drinks on This Gaming Keyboard [Keyboards]

As long as you're not chugging hydrochloric acid, your fragging thirst quencher of choice shouldn't be able to fry the impending AZiO's Levetron Mech4. The look's not for everyone (MechWarrior fetishists notwithstanding), but the spill proof guts sure are. More »


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Sibling rivalry as Ohio brothers vie for mayor

ELMORE, Ohio (AP) ? It's brother against brother in a northwest Ohio village where siblings are vying for mayor.

Incumbent Lowell Krumnow is being challenged on the Nov. 8 ballot by Councilman James Krumnow in Elmore, 20 miles southeast of Toledo.

The councilman tells The Blade of Toledo ( ) the community with a population of about 1,400 is ready for a change and a fresh face. He says some residents asked him to try to unseat his younger brother.

The mayor, who has been in office since 1992, says he believes people are satisfied with his leadership. He also says he has a courteous relationship with his brother and says they communicate.

The election for mayor is nonpartisan. Both Krumnows are Republicans, but Councilman Rick Claar says otherwise the brothers are "polar opposites."


Information from: The Blade,


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Report details inequities for kids of gay parents (Providence Journal)

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Utah mom pleads guilty in virginity sale case (AP)

SALT LAKE CITY ? A Utah woman accused of trying to sell her 13-year-old daughter's virginity pleaded guilty Monday to two sexual exploitation charges for having the girl model in her underwear for men.

The 33-year-old woman had also faced two first-degree felony counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child ? and up to life in prison ? but prosecutors agreed to drop those charges in exchange for her plea.

She now faces up to 30 years in prison at sentencing Dec. 5.

Authorities said the woman offered her daughter's virginity to a man in April in exchange for $10,000. Initially, the girl agreed to the arrangement and modeled twice in a bra and underwear for the man. Police said the girl then changed her mind.

Her mother also tried to sell sexually explicit pictures of the girl to another man.

The woman's boyfriend found text messages about the sale of the girl's virginity on the woman's cellphone. He turned them over to police.

She was arrested in May. Prosecutors said the men involved have not been charged.

The woman did not make a statement in court Monday and her defense attorney refused to comment after the hearing.

The Associated Press isn't naming the mother to avoid identifying her daughter.


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U2 honored as 'Greatest Act' in last 25 years

Rock icons U2 have something new to brag about ? winning Q Magazine's Greatest Act of the Last 25 Years award.

The annual music awards by Britain's best-selling music monthly took place Monday in London and the Irish quartet was among the music notables at the ceremony.

The U.K.'s artist of the moment, singer/songwriter Adele, won two awards, for Best Female and Best Track for her song "Rolling in the Deep." She didn't attend, since the event comes just two weeks after she was forced to cancel her U.S. tour due to throat problems.

Coldplay was voted Best Act in the World Today, although lead singer Chris Martin disagreed with the accolade.

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"U2 are the best band in the world at the moment. We are about seventh," he said.

Noel Gallagher, one-half of the warring brothers who led the rock band Oasis to chart glory, was named a Q icon. But he said that award did not come close to rivaling his joy when his favorite soccer team, Manchester City, smashed crosstown rival Manchester United 6-1 on Sunday.

"No award can compare to that. That was the best day of my life, bar my children being born," Gallagher said.

Eighteen awards were handed out, including to rapper Tinie Tempah for Best Male Artist and to U.S. internet sensation Lana Del Ray, who was crowned the Next Big Thing.

Brian May and Roger Taylor accepted entry into the Q Hall of Fame on behalf of glam rockers Queen, and Take That's Gary Barlow was honored as Classic Songwriter.

Multimillion selling DJ Norman Cook, aka Fat Boy Slim, was presented with a Q Inspiration award.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Male beluga whale flown from Ill. to mate in Conn. (Providence Journal)

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Turks weep as survivors, bodies pulled from rubble

Rescuers work to save people from of collapsed buildings in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. . At least 270 people are killed after a powerful quake in eastern Turkey and dozens of people are still trapped in hills of debris, but authorities hope the death toll may not rise as high as initially feared. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

Rescuers work to save people from of collapsed buildings in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. . At least 270 people are killed after a powerful quake in eastern Turkey and dozens of people are still trapped in hills of debris, but authorities hope the death toll may not rise as high as initially feared. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A man looks through debris for family members trapped under a collapsed building as rescuers work to save people from debris in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. A survivor of the 7.2-magnitude quake that has killed at least 239 people in eastern Turkey was pulled from the rubble with three other people on Monday after he managed to call for help on his cell phone. Dozens of people were trapped in hills of debris, but authorities offered hope that the death toll may not rise as high as initially feared. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

Rescuers work to save people from debris in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. A survivor of the 7.2-magnitude quake that has killed at least 239 people in eastern Turkey was pulled from the rubble with three other people on Monday after he managed to call for help on his cell phone. Dozens of people were trapped in hills of debris, but authorities offered hope that the death toll may not rise as high as initially feared.(AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

An elderly man passes by a collapsed building after a powerful earthquake in the town of Ercis in Van province, Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. The 7.2-magnitude quake which struck Sunday killed some 270 people in eastern Turkey. (AP Photo/Selcan Hacaoglu)

A tent city set up on a soccer field for survivors in Ercis, Van, eastern Turkey, Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. At least 270 people are killed after a powerful quake in eastern Turkey and dozens of people are still trapped in hills of debris, but authorities hope the death toll may not rise as high as initially feared. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

(AP) ? Turkish families wept in joy and sorrow Monday as a few lucky survivors and many more victims were pulled out of the rubble after a 7.2-magnitude quake leveled over a hundred apartment and office buildings.

One trapped man saved his own life by calling for help on his cell phone, and others survived being buried alive for more than a day.

But as death toll rose to 279 from Sunday's quake in eastern Turkey, dozens of people were still trapped in mounds of broken concrete, twisted steel and other construction debris after buildings in two cities and mud-brick homes in nearby villages pancaked or partially collapsed.

Dozens more were placed in body bags or covered by blankets, laid down in rows so people could search for their missing relatives.

"It's my grandson's wife. She was stuck underneath rubble," said Mehmet Emin Umac.

Worst-hit was Ercis, where about 80 multistory buildings collapsed. The eastern city of 75,000 lies close to the Iranian border in one of Turkey's most earthquake-prone zones.

Grieving families cried outside the Ercis mosque.

"My nephew, his wife and their child, all three dead. May God protect us from this kind of grief," resident Kursat Lap told The Associated Press. "They all came here for a Sunday breakfast and then what happened, happened."

Several other men carried a child's body wrapped in a white cloth as weeping family members followed behind.

Yalcin Akay, meanwhile, was dug out from a collapsed six-story building with a leg injury after he called a police emergency line on his phone and described his location, the state-run Anatolia news agency reported. Three others, including two children, were also rescued from the same building in Ercis 20 hours after the quake struck, officials said.

Two other survivors were trapped for over 27 hours.

Abdurrahman Antakyali, 20, was brought out of a crumbled Internet cafe after an eight-hour long joint rescue effort by Turkish and Azerbaijani teams. His father and brother wept with joy as he emerged, Anatolia reported.

Tugba Altinkaynak, 21, had been at a family lunch with 12 other relatives when the temblor hit. She was rescued but there was no immediate word on the fate of her relatives.

More than 2,000 teams with a dozen sniffer dogs were involved in search-and-rescue and aid efforts, and more often than not they found dead bodies, not survivors. Cranes and other heavy equipment lifted slabs of concrete, allowing residents to dig for the missing with shovels.

Those efforts were hampered by over 200 aftershocks that rocked the area, with one on Monday rising up to 5.0 magnitude.

Aid groups scrambled to set up tents, field hospitals and kitchens to help the thousands left homeless or too afraid to re-enter their homes. Many exhausted residents spent the night outside, lighting fires to keep warm.

"We stayed outdoors all night, I could not sleep at all, my children, especially the little one, was terrified," said Serpil Bilici of her six-year-old daughter, Rabia. "I grabbed her and rushed out when the quake hit, we were all screaming."

The bustling, larger city of Van, about 55 miles (90 kilometers) south of Ercis, also sustained substantial damage, but Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin said search efforts there were winding down.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said the quake left 279 dead and some 1,300 injured. Other officials said 10 victims were students learning about the Quran at a religious school that collapsed. Arinc said search-and-rescue efforts could end as early as Tuesday.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who inspected the area late Sunday, said "close to all" the mud-brick homes in surrounding villages had collapsed in the temblor that also rattled parts of Iran and Armenia.

The terrifying moments of the powerful temblor still haunted many.

Abubekir Acar, 42, was sipping tea with friends as the quake leveled a nearby coffee house.

"We did not understand what was going on, the buildings around us, the coffee house all went down so quickly," he said. "For a while, we could not see anything ? everywhere was covered in dust. Then, we heard screams and pulled out anyone we could reach."

Leaders around the world, including President Barack Obama, conveyed their condolences and offered assistance, but Erdogan said Turkey was able to cope for now. Azerbaijan, Iran and Bulgaria still sent aid, he said.

Among those offering help were Israel, Greece and Armenia, who all have had issues in their relations with Turkey.

The offer from Israel came despite a rift in relations following a 2010 Israeli navy raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left nine Turks dead. Greece, which has a deep dispute with Turkey over the divided island of Cyprus, also offered to send a special earthquake rescue team.

Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic ties due to tensions over the Ottoman-era mass killings of Armenians and the conflict in the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Turkey lies in one of the world's most active seismic zones and is crossed by numerous fault lines. In 1999, two earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 7 struck northwestern Turkey, killing about 18,000 people.

Istanbul, the country's largest city with more than 12 million people, lies in northwestern Turkey near a major fault line, and experts say tens of thousands could be killed if a major quake struck there.


Fraser reported from Ankara.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sleeping sickness drug may provide long-term protection against skin cancer

Sleeping sickness drug may provide long-term protection against skin cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Oct-2011
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Contact: Jeremy Moore
American Association for Cancer Research

BOSTON An antiparasitic agent used to treat African sleeping sickness might someday be used to prevent nonmelanoma skin cancers. Researchers found that DFMO, or ?-difluoromethylornithine, still appeared to protect against nonmelanoma skin cancers years after people stopped taking the drug, according to a poster presented at the 10th AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, held Oct. 22-25, 2011.

In this follow-up study, researchers evaluated prolonged evidence of a protective effect of DFMO among 209 people who had participated in an earlier study. The researchers also wanted to ensure there were no obvious deleterious effects associated with the drug, according to Howard H. Bailey, M.D., professor of medicine, and study presenter Sarah Lamont, a medical student, both from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

The original study was a phase III, randomized, double-blind, prospective study of 291 men and women with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer. They were assigned to either DFMO or a placebo for four to five years. At the end of the study period, researchers found a reduced skin cancer incidence among those assigned to DFMO.

"We showed a significant protective effect against basal cell carcinoma, but not a significant amount of protection against squamous cell carcinoma of the skin," Bailey said.

The main side effect was a slight ototoxicity that was found on testing, but this was not associated with a noticeable reduction in hearing by the subjects.

In the current retrospective study, researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of 209 of the original participants to establish cancer rates and to see if any other illnesses they might have developed could be attributed to DFMO.

"We found there is still evidence that the men and women assigned to DFMO for five years continued to have a lower incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers compared with people assigned to placebo," Bailey said. "What we saw was that the presumed benefit that people got in taking DFMO appeared to persist for years after stopping it."

Study limitations include that participants may have been followed differently or changed their behaviors to limit sun exposure because of being in the original study, Bailey said.

"Our data suggest that the protective event that we saw in our prospective study appears to continue and there was no evidence of any rebound effect," he said. "We did not find any evidence that the people who received DFMO were harmed [other than the original ototoxicity]."

However, Bailey cautioned, more studies are needed before DFMO can be recommended as a prophylaxis against nonmelanoma skin cancers.

He added that such prophylaxis measures are needed because public health efforts to teach people about limiting sun exposure have not resulted in fewer cases of skin cancer, with more than 2 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each year. "The incidence continues to rise despite public health efforts to get people to lessen their sun exposure," Bailey said.


The study was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Follow the AACR on Twitter: @aacr #aacr
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The mission of the American Association for Cancer Research is to prevent and cure cancer. Founded in 1907, the AACR is the world's oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research. The membership includes 33,000 laboratory, translational and clinical researchers; health care professionals; and cancer survivors and advocates in the United States and more than 90 other countries. The AACR marshals the full spectrum of expertise from the cancer community to accelerate progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through high-quality scientific and educational programs. It funds innovative, meritorious research grants, research fellowships and career development awards to young investigators, and it also funds cutting-edge research projects conducted by senior researchers. The AACR has numerous fruitful collaborations with organizations and foundations in the U.S. and abroad, and functions as the Scientific Partner of Stand Up To Cancer, a charitable initiative that supports groundbreaking research aimed at getting new cancer treatments to patients in an accelerated time frame. The AACR Annual Meeting attracts more than 17,000 participants who share the latest discoveries and developments in the field. Special Conferences throughout the year present novel data across a wide variety of topics in cancer research, treatment and patient care, and Educational Workshops are held for the training of young cancer investigators. The AACR publishes seven major peer-reviewed journals: Cancer Discovery; Cancer Research; Clinical Cancer Research; Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics; Molecular Cancer Research; and Cancer Prevention Research. In 2010, AACR journals received 20 percent of the total number of citations given to oncology journals. The AACR also publishes Cancer Today, a magazine for cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers, which provides practical knowledge and new hope for cancer survivors. A major goal of the AACR is to educate the general public and policymakers about the value of cancer research in improving public health, the vital importance of increases in sustained funding for cancer research and biomedical science, and the need for national policies that foster innovation and the acceleration of progress against the 200 diseases we call cancer.

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Sleeping sickness drug may provide long-term protection against skin cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Oct-2011
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Contact: Jeremy Moore
American Association for Cancer Research

BOSTON An antiparasitic agent used to treat African sleeping sickness might someday be used to prevent nonmelanoma skin cancers. Researchers found that DFMO, or ?-difluoromethylornithine, still appeared to protect against nonmelanoma skin cancers years after people stopped taking the drug, according to a poster presented at the 10th AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, held Oct. 22-25, 2011.

In this follow-up study, researchers evaluated prolonged evidence of a protective effect of DFMO among 209 people who had participated in an earlier study. The researchers also wanted to ensure there were no obvious deleterious effects associated with the drug, according to Howard H. Bailey, M.D., professor of medicine, and study presenter Sarah Lamont, a medical student, both from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

The original study was a phase III, randomized, double-blind, prospective study of 291 men and women with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer. They were assigned to either DFMO or a placebo for four to five years. At the end of the study period, researchers found a reduced skin cancer incidence among those assigned to DFMO.

"We showed a significant protective effect against basal cell carcinoma, but not a significant amount of protection against squamous cell carcinoma of the skin," Bailey said.

The main side effect was a slight ototoxicity that was found on testing, but this was not associated with a noticeable reduction in hearing by the subjects.

In the current retrospective study, researchers reviewed the electronic medical records of 209 of the original participants to establish cancer rates and to see if any other illnesses they might have developed could be attributed to DFMO.

"We found there is still evidence that the men and women assigned to DFMO for five years continued to have a lower incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers compared with people assigned to placebo," Bailey said. "What we saw was that the presumed benefit that people got in taking DFMO appeared to persist for years after stopping it."

Study limitations include that participants may have been followed differently or changed their behaviors to limit sun exposure because of being in the original study, Bailey said.

"Our data suggest that the protective event that we saw in our prospective study appears to continue and there was no evidence of any rebound effect," he said. "We did not find any evidence that the people who received DFMO were harmed [other than the original ototoxicity]."

However, Bailey cautioned, more studies are needed before DFMO can be recommended as a prophylaxis against nonmelanoma skin cancers.

He added that such prophylaxis measures are needed because public health efforts to teach people about limiting sun exposure have not resulted in fewer cases of skin cancer, with more than 2 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each year. "The incidence continues to rise despite public health efforts to get people to lessen their sun exposure," Bailey said.


The study was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Follow the AACR on Twitter: @aacr #aacr
Follow the AACR on Facebook:

The mission of the American Association for Cancer Research is to prevent and cure cancer. Founded in 1907, the AACR is the world's oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research. The membership includes 33,000 laboratory, translational and clinical researchers; health care professionals; and cancer survivors and advocates in the United States and more than 90 other countries. The AACR marshals the full spectrum of expertise from the cancer community to accelerate progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through high-quality scientific and educational programs. It funds innovative, meritorious research grants, research fellowships and career development awards to young investigators, and it also funds cutting-edge research projects conducted by senior researchers. The AACR has numerous fruitful collaborations with organizations and foundations in the U.S. and abroad, and functions as the Scientific Partner of Stand Up To Cancer, a charitable initiative that supports groundbreaking research aimed at getting new cancer treatments to patients in an accelerated time frame. The AACR Annual Meeting attracts more than 17,000 participants who share the latest discoveries and developments in the field. Special Conferences throughout the year present novel data across a wide variety of topics in cancer research, treatment and patient care, and Educational Workshops are held for the training of young cancer investigators. The AACR publishes seven major peer-reviewed journals: Cancer Discovery; Cancer Research; Clinical Cancer Research; Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics; Molecular Cancer Research; and Cancer Prevention Research. In 2010, AACR journals received 20 percent of the total number of citations given to oncology journals. The AACR also publishes Cancer Today, a magazine for cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers, which provides practical knowledge and new hope for cancer survivors. A major goal of the AACR is to educate the general public and policymakers about the value of cancer research in improving public health, the vital importance of increases in sustained funding for cancer research and biomedical science, and the need for national policies that foster innovation and the acceleration of progress against the 200 diseases we call cancer.

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