Sunday, September 30, 2012

Should You Trust Your Gut? The Answer Is Yes.

Editor?s note:?Derek?Andersen?is the founder of?Startup Grind, a 30-city event series hosted in 15-countries that educates, inspires, and connects entrepreneurs.?He?s ex-Electronic Arts as well as the founder of Commonred. A few years ago I asked a successful entrepreneur for advice on what I should do with my latest product idea. His reply was simple. ?Trust your gut. What does your gut tell you?? I confidently replied,??That this is a $100MM business." To which he added, ?Then go for it.? So that?s exactly what we did. We went for it and a year later we didn?t have a $100MM business or even a $10MM business. We didn?t even have a?.ok I?ll stop there. But how did I get it so wrong? Is my gut untrustable? Was I wrong to follow it??Or was my stomach just acting up after a recent trip overseas??I recently sat down with Charles River Ventures?Partner?George Zachary?who has had his fair share of big successes.


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