Thursday, May 31, 2012

Qatar orders arrests after deadly mall fire

DOHA, Qatar (AP) ? Qatar issued arrest orders for the owner of a fire-ravaged mall and four others as investigations widened Wednesday into possible safety lapses during a blaze that killed 19 people, including 13 children at a daycare center catering to the Gulf nation's large expatriate community.

The official Qatar News Agency said Attorney General Ali bin Feitais al-Marri also ordered the detention of the owner of the child care facility where the children and four workers died in Monday's fire at the Gulf nation's biggest mall. The others facing arrest are mall officials, including the director of security.

Sprinkler systems malfunctioned at the Villaggio complex and rescue crews struggled without blueprints of the vast complex, bringing calls for sweeping safety and licensing reviews in one of the world's fastest-growing countries. Two firefighters also were killed.

It was not immediately clear whether charges would be filed.

Investigators, meanwhile, are carrying out extensive probes through the fire-damaged sections of the mall, but authorities have not announced the cause of the fire. Findings from the state-ordered inquest are expected within a week.

The tragedy also is likely to push authorities across the Gulf to further examine fire safety rules in a region where the drive to build fast and big has brought concerns about the quality of emergency planning.

Rescue crews in Qatar's capital Doha had to hack through the roof of the mammoth Villaggio mall to reach the child care facility, where the victims included 2-year-old New Zealand triplets and three Spanish siblings.

"What happened is similar to murder because of the lack of safety measures in such complexes," wrote Saleh al-Kuwari, editor of the Al Raya newspaper in Doha.

An editorial in the newspaper Al Arab urged officials around the Gulf to consider creating special firefighting and civil defense units for the energy-rich region's huge malls. The Villaggio includes an ice skating rink, theme park, movie theater and indoor Venice-style gondola rides.

"Safety requirements must be stressed," said the editorial. "They also need regular review."

Qatar's Interior Ministry said the mall's sprinkler system malfunctioned, and rescue efforts were hampered by a lack of floor plans. Other Gulf nations also have confronted concerns about whether public safety planning can keep pace with the construction boom.

In November, firefighters in Sharjah, north of Dubai, struggled to battle a blaze in a 25-story tower without equipment to reach the flames. The United Arab Emirates is considering bans on flammable panels in high-rise buildings after more recent back-to-back tower fires.

An Al Arab journalist, Marzouki Faisal, reported that the route to the Villaggio daycare center wound through a "maze" of narrow halls and stairways. He and others questioned the rules that allow childcare sites inside commercial buildings.

"What happened is murder as a result of negligence and idleness," he wrote.

The full list of those killed has not been issued by Qatar officials, but most of the nationalities are known from statements by various countries and families. The young victims include a 3-year-old French child, four Spanish children, an 18-month-old South African toddler and the New Zealand triplets, Lillie, Jackson and Willsher Weekes.

"It's absolutely devastating," the triplets' grandmother, Jo Turner, told Fairfax Media in New Zealand.

A statement issued by the triplets' family said, "Lillie, Jackson and Willsher came into this world together and were inseparable as siblings, best friends and the joy of our life. Tragically, they left together after only two short years."

The triplets' parents clutched red roses and a single teddy bear during a memorial gathering Tuesday in Doha.

Spain's El Pais newspaper said the Spanish children killed included three siblings, aged 2 to 7, and a 7-year-old girl from another family. Another newspaper, El Mundo, said the Spanish mothers dropped off their children while they shopped.

Tennis star Rafael Nadal of Spain was among those expressing their condolences via Twitter to the "families and friends" of the victims. The world's No. 2 tennis player has appeared in a number of tournaments in the Gulf state.

At least three of the nursery teachers, women from the Philippines, died of smoke inhalation, Philippine Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said in Manila. A South African woman who worked at the center also died, said a South African government statement.

Qatar Prime Minister Sheik Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr Al Thani offered condolences to "all the parents and relatives of those killed in this horrible fire."

The Villaggio opened in 2006 and is one of the most popular shopping and amusement destinations in fast-growing Qatar, which will host football's 2022 World Cup.

More than three-quarters of Qatar's population of 1.8 million residents are foreigners attracted to the tiny nation for jobs ranging from laborers to government advisers.

Sheik Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani, Qatar's minister of state for interior affairs, said authorities carried out repeated search operations in the mall and confirmed that no one was still trapped inside, according to comments posted on the ministry's website.


Associated Press writers Brian Murphy and Adam Schreck in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Alan Clendenning in Madrid, Nick Perry in Wellington, New Zealand, Hrvoje Hranjski in Manila, and Donna Bryson in Johannesburg contributed to this report.

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Anti-incumbent fever scarcely in evidence

(AP) ? Anti-incumbent fever is scarcely in evidence in the 2012 congressional primaries, despite costly efforts by conservatives to remake the Republican Party and this week's defeat of a Texas Democrat ousted after eight terms in office.

Rep. Silvestre Reyes' loss Tuesday night in an El Paso-centered district made him the seventh lawmaker of either party to fall in a primary for re-election this year. Three of the defeats were inevitable ? cases of one incumbent running against another after congressional boundaries were shifted to conform with 2010 Census results.

In the most notable defeat of an incumbent, Republican Sen. Richard Lugar lost to tea party-backed challenger Richard Mourdock in Indiana, although the impact of the upset on the fall campaign remains uncertain.

But hundreds of incumbents have won in the 32 states that have held primaries to date, most of them with ease.

With relatively few forced retirements at the polls so far, officials in outside groups cite other evidence of electoral success.

They cheered when tea party-backed Ted Cruz qualified for a runoff against heavily favored Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in a Senate Republican campaign in Texas, claimed credit for holding veteran Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., to a narrow win ? even though he gained nearly 60 percent of the vote in a multi-candidate race ? and cited the decision of longtime Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., to retire as evidence of their impact.

"Congress has a disapproval rating of close to 90 percent in poll after poll. There's an anti-incumbent statement right there," said Curtis Ellis of the Campaign for Primary Accountability, an organization that has been involved in races against about 10 incumbents of both party.

Ellis said his organization seeks to act as an equalizer against the built-in fundraising and other advantages held by incumbents. It spent $240,000 to help Reyes' challenger, Beto O'Rourke, but a $165,000 investment elsewhere in Texas failed to dislodge Republican Rep. Ralph Hall. Nor could it engineer the defeat of Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., or Jo Bonner, R-Ala.

"It's so hard to find a challenger" in many cases, Ellis said. "It's very difficult to raise the money to do the job right. We beat the bushes looking for real races," he said. "We're not going to spend money for somebody who wears a tin-foil hat, lives in the basement of his mother's house and spends 20 bucks" to challenge a committee chairman.

Some conservatives argue that the public anger that roiled the campaign of 2010 remains a force but has taken on a different form.

"Instead of doing tea party events and protests they are donating money and they are volunteering," said Matt Hoskins of the Senate Conservatives Fund, founded by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. "The difference is they are doing less talking this cycle and they're doing more work."

The Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives' Fund both backed Cruz in the contested Republican Senate primary in Texas, and served notice they plan to help him against Dewhurst in the July run-off.

"Texas Republicans are just beginning to learn the truth about Dewhurst's support for tax increases and government health care, and they are starting to conclude that he's wrong for Texas," said Chris Chocola, president of the Club For Growth, which stresses economic conservatism. Its super PAC spent about $2.5 million to help Cruz, and another arm of the organization helped raise another $750,000 for his campaign account.

But Dewhurst has allies of his own for the run-off, including the Texas Conservatives Fund, which spent $2.3 million on his behalf in the primary. "Ted Cruz a conservative? No Way," says the group's website.

The impact of the primaries so far on the fall campaign is a matter of predictable dispute.

Regardless of the outcome of the primary, Democrats are unlikely to seriously compete for the Senate seat in Texas. They assert that the defeat of establishment candidates in GOP Senate primaries in Nebraska and Indiana will work to their advantage this fall, just as they say Republican divisions helped them win seats and hold control of the Senate in 2010 in Colorado, Nevada and Delaware.

"From Arizona and Missouri and Michigan and Wisconsin, every Republican Senate candidate is claiming the tea party mantle and appealing to the far right-wing fringe of their party, and largely ignoring the independent middle-class voters that are going to decide the election in November," said Matt Canter, spokesman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

But Texas, Nebraska and Indiana are more reliably Republican states than Delaware, Colorado or Nevada, and Republicans dismiss the talk.

In 2010 "there were times when it was obvious that if one particular candidate were nominated that candidate could not win the general election," said Rob Jesmer, executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "That's not the case this time."

Unlike two years ago, the committee's chairman, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, has not intervened in primaries where no incumbent was on the ballot, an attempt to avoid antagonizing Republicans who might end up winning the nomination.

Apart from Reyes, the only Democratic incumbents to lose primaries this year are Reps. Jason Altmire and Tim Holden of Pennsylvania and Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.

Kucinich lost to another incumbent, Rep. Marcy Kaptor, while Altmire was defeated by fellow Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Critz.

Not even Matt Cartwright, the lawyer who defeated Holden, cited anti-incumbent anger for his triumph. Assessing his victory on primary night, he said, "It's a combination of things, No. 1, the redistricting, and No. 2, my own core political beliefs are a much better fit for the new district."

Among House Republicans, Rep. Jean Schmidt of Ohio is the only incumbent defeated by an outsider. In Illinois, Rep. Dan Manzullo lost to fellow Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

Associated Press

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Shootings leave 6 dead in already jittery Seattle

This frame grab provided by the Seattle Police Department shows a man believed to be the suspect in a shooting, left, at Cafe Racer on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 in the University district of Seattle. The gunman killed four people ? three at the cafe and another in a carjacking ? before he apparently shot himself as officers closed in following a citywide manhunt, authorities said. (AP Photo/Seattle Police Department, handout)

This frame grab provided by the Seattle Police Department shows a man believed to be the suspect in a shooting, left, at Cafe Racer on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 in the University district of Seattle. The gunman killed four people ? three at the cafe and another in a carjacking ? before he apparently shot himself as officers closed in following a citywide manhunt, authorities said. (AP Photo/Seattle Police Department, handout)

This frame grab provided by the Seattle Police Department shows a man believed to be the suspect in a shooting, left, at Cafe Racer on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 in the University district of Seattle. The gunman killed four people ? three at the cafe and another in a carjacking ? before he apparently shot himself as officers closed in following a citywide manhunt, authorities said. (AP Photo/Seattle Police Department, handout)

Police approach a house in the University district in Seattle close to where a gunman killed two people and critically wounded three others at a cafe Wednesday, May 30, 2012. They left shortly after. Not long after a gunman opened fire at the cafe in the north Seattle neighborhood, a woman was shot to death in downtown Seattle and her car taken and later abandoned in Seattle's West Seattle neighborhood. It was not immediately clear if the incidents were connected. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

A police officer runs across a street in the University district in Seattle close to where a gunman killed two people and critically wounded three others at a cafe Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Not long after a gunman opened fire at the cafe in the north Seattle neighborhood, a woman was shot to death in downtown Seattle and her car taken and later abandoned in Seattle's West Seattle neighborhood. It was not immediately clear if the incidents were connected. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

Police block a street in the University district in Seattle near where a gunman killed two people and critically wounded three others at a cafe Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Not long after the cafe shooting, a woman was shot to death in downtown Seattle and her car taken and later abandoned in Seattle's West Seattle neighborhood. It was not immediately clear if the incidents were connected. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

(AP) ? A city already anxious about a recent spate of shootings was rattled further when a man walked into an arts cafe near a Seattle university and opened fire, fatally wounding four people. Police say he later killed a woman during a carjacking before shooting himself.

As officers closed in during a widespread manhunt late Wednesday afternoon, the suspect put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. He died at a local hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said.

The five victims brought the number of homicides in Seattle so far this year to 21, matching the total for all of last year, and left city leaders wondering what could be done to stop the bloodshed.

"Two tragic shootings today ... have shaken this city," Mayor Mike McGinn said at a news conference. "It follows on the heels of multiple, tragic episodes of gun violence that have occurred throughout the city."

In the last month, there had already been two random killings. A man died last week when he was hit by a stray bullet as he drove, and a woman was killed in a drive by shooting in late April. No arrests have been made,

Police did not publicly name the suspect in Wednesday's shootings, but the Seattle Times identified him as Ian Lee Stawicki, 40, of Seattle, citing unidentified law enforcement sources.

Andrew Stawicki, 29, of Ellensburg, told the Times he recognized a photo shown on TV newscasts of the alleged gunman as his brother Ian. Andrew Stawicki said Ian Stawicki was mentally ill.

"It's no surprise to me this happened," he told the newspaper. "We could see this coming. Nothing good is going to come with that much anger inside of you."

A phone number for Andrew Stawicki rang busy when The Associated Press tried to reach him for comment.

Gunfire erupted about 11 a.m. at Cafe Racer, a restaurant and music venue north of the University of Washington.

Police quickly released two photos from inside the cafe, apparently taken from a security camera. One showed a man walking into the establishment, with a woman nearby reading a book and people chatting at the nearby cafe bar. Another photo about a minute later showed stools overturned, and the man standing and holding what appeared to be a handgun.

Two men died at the cafe, and a third man and a woman from the cafe died at a hospital.

Police said it appeared the gunman fled to the First Hill neighborhood near downtown, where he fatally shot a woman in a parking lot and stole her SUV.

He then drove the SUV to West Seattle and ditched it, leaving a gun in the car. After officers found the vehicle, they flooded that area with uniformed and plainclothes officers.

A detective spotted the suspect late in the afternoon and called for backup and a SWAT team, Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel said. As those officers arrived, the man shot himself, he said.

A King County medical examiner's spokeswoman said her office might be able to release the dead victims' identifications Thursday.

One man wounded in the cafe shooting was reported in critical but stable condition late Wednesday at Harborview Medical Center following surgery earlier in the day. Hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg confirmed his name as Leonard Meuse. Meuse's father, Raymond Meuse, told the Times his son was shot in the jaw and armpit but was expected to survive.

Evan Hill, who lives above the building where the shooting happened, said the cafe was an artists' collective and performance space.

"It's the strangest place to think of a shooting," said Hill, who heard four to five shots. He said he ran to his balcony and called 911, but didn't see a suspect.

On a street corner across from the cafe, friends of the victims gathered by the ivy-covered wall of an apartment building. Some collapsed in grief. The cafe's owner hugged them and commiserated.

Units of police officers marched by with rifles and shotguns, knocking on doors and checking driveways and yards in the neighborhood of single-family, bungalow-style homes, restaurants and businesses.

During the manhunt, Roosevelt High School, Eckstein Middle School and Greenlake Elementary were locked down, according to the school district.

In other recent violence to hit Seattle, a bystander was wounded near the Space Needle Saturday when he was struck by a bullet that police say was fired by a gang member involved in a dispute with another man. Later that night, about 60 shots were fired in drive-by shootings at four houses. No one was hit.

Besides a plan to increase the number of officers on patrol in high-crime areas, police are urging people with information about shootings to come forward.

They also said Seattleites could expect an increased police presence in the near future.

City Councilman Bruce Harrell said leaders needed to consider everything ? from changing laws to addressing the culture of violence.

"If we are to be honest, there's no easy fix," he said.

Associated Press

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Orange San Diego: Intel's Medfield phone gets benchmarked

Orange San Diego: Intel's Medfield phone gets benchmarked

While we've been pleasantly surprised by some favorable browser scores, we couldn't help sneaking another peek at the phone's (second) launch -- this time right in the center of London. We took the Orange Santa Clara for a spin on our latest benchmarks. See how Intel's new mobile processor fares against much pricier competition right after the break.

Continue reading Orange San Diego: Intel's Medfield phone gets benchmarked

Orange San Diego: Intel's Medfield phone gets benchmarked originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 31 May 2012 06:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Always On Real-Time Access ? FiRE: The Future of Mobile Computing

Posted by chetan in : US Wireless Market , trackback

Last week i had the good fortune of moderating a panel discussion about the future of mobile computing with three really smart CTOs - Henry Tirri, Executive Vice President and CTO, Nokia; James Barrese, CTO, PayPal; and Gavin Michael, Chief Technology Innovation Officer, Accenture.

Courtesy of SNS (original piece here), the summary of the discussion:

HT: Mobile devices use different kinds of connectivity. Unlicensed bandwidth connectivity are higher ids associated with services like Facebook, Twitter. Connectivity doesn?t allow you to swap back and forth between the services.

Tying ID to device vs. tying it to SIM card.

JB: Huge opportunity to decrease friction when consumers try to pay merchants. See huge opportunity to build a digital ID that allows consumers to pay without even taking out their wallet, through digital recognition.

GM: Eventually we will be able to take ID data and use it to create a highly-individualized treatment of the customer. The problem now is that we don?t have the capacity yet. It?s starting, but it?s very small steps. No infrastructure yet.

?Who owns the data? will be a seminal challenge. At the moment there?s no working model, although people are realizing that they have to give up privacy in order to participate in this.

CS: Will different form factors emerge in 5 years?

HT: In the future your computer will consist of multiple devices, will accelerate the evolution. Energy consumption will become a factor. Using small devices that use very little energy to do smaller tasks and a higher variance of devices.

Next generation of computers have individual components that can be used separately, but when you put them together, they work as a whole.

JB: Explosion of innovation offline has met Amazon?s retail choice. Those walking around with devices in their pockets have apps that companies are using to track them.

DM: Consumers are more about tech they?re carrying. Empowered consumers are coming to work for the tech companies and demanding the same capabilities from their enterprise. Using sensor information differently to manage resources, maintenance in a different way. Mobile is affecting deep verticals as well as horizontals.

CS: Where is home automation headed in 5 years?

HT: From a tech perspective, a lot of this can be easily done now, in a cost-effective way: sensors that measure environment, etc.

There has to be some other incentives also. Understanding what people are willing to learn is the key to the status of home mobile. Technologically, it?s not a problem. But it produces a new value chain. Who will take care of and pay for maintenance of sensors? What if they take out your neighbors tv (radio-based)? It will take much longer than 5 years at a wide spectrum, but some user cases may come much earlier.

CS: Ecosystems and platforms:

JB: We?re seeing the full digitization of money and we need key operators to streamline the experience.

CS: Will platforms matter as much in 5 years?

GM: I think there will be two or three that dominate. Platforms will be doing everything they can to bring developers onto their devices. Our view of platforms will broaden. Some will be key in mobile. Others will focus on home automation, etc.

HT: Catastrophe happens when surges are unexpected or vice versa. Energy will be the fundamental unifying issue and limiting factor.

CS: GIven $10 million to invest, what would you spend it on?

JB: The field of payments is exploding. The whole world is being connected to the Internet and how will they trade with each other?

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Romney clinches GOP nomination with Texas win

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets a group of veterans after speaking at a campaign event, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Craig, Colo. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets a group of veterans after speaking at a campaign event, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Craig, Colo. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

FILE - In this May 23, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks in Washington. Romney is set to clinch the Republican nomination for president Tuesday with a win in the Texas primary, a feat of endurance for a candidate who came up short four years ago and watched this year as voters flirted with a carousel of front-runners before eventually warming to him. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 2, 2012 file photo, Donald Trump greets Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during a news conference in Las Vegas. Romney is set to clinch the Republican nomination for president Tuesday with a win in the Texas primary, a feat of endurance for a candidate who came up short four years ago and watched this year as voters flirted with a carousel of front-runners before eventually warming to him. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, File)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks in Craig, Colo., Tuesday, May 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney holds a baby as he greets supporters after speaking at a campaign event, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Craig, Colo. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney clinched the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with a win in the Texas primary, a triumph of endurance for a candidate who came up short four years ago and had to fight hard this year as voters flirted with a carousel of GOP rivals.

According to The Associated Press count, Romney surpassed the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination by winning at least 97 delegates in the Texas primary.

The former Massachusetts governor has reached the nomination milestone with a steady message of concern about the U.S. economy, a campaign organization that dwarfed those of his GOP foes and a fundraising operation second only to that of his Democratic opponent in the general election, President Barack Obama.

Romney would be the first Mormon nominated by a major party. His religion has been less of an issue than it was during his failed bid four years ago.

"We did it!" Romney proclaimed in a message to supporters, noting that "it's only the beginning."

"An honor and a privilege and a great responsibility," Romney told supporters at a fundraiser in Las Vegas. "And I know the road to 1,144 was long and hard, but I also know that the road to 11-06 ? Nov. 6th ? is also going to be long and it's going to be hard and it's going to be worth it because we're going to take back the White House and get America right again."

Romney must now fire up conservatives who still doubt him while persuading swing voters that he can do a better job fixing the nation's struggling economy than Obama. In Obama, he faces a well-funded candidate with a proven campaign team in an election that will be heavily influenced by the economy.

Romney's campaign went on the attack Tuesday, releasing a Web video citing the Obama administration's loan-guarantee investments in four renewable-energy firms that lost money and laid off workers.

The message ? "President Obama is fundamentally hostile to job creators" ? has been a theme of the Romney campaign since he launched his presidential bid. But sensing an opportunity to reach a new audience, the campaign planned to highlight Obama's support for the failed renewable energy company Solyndra, among other private ventures the Obama administration helped support.

"We need to have presidents who understand how this economy works," Romney told reporters Tuesday. "Sometimes I just don't think he understands what it takes to help people. I know he wants to help, but he doesn't know what he's got to do."

Romney's message and his big day, however, were somewhat overshadowed by real estate mogul Donald Trump and his discredited suggestions that Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Romney spent Tuesday evening at a Las Vegas fundraiser with Trump, who had toyed with the idea of running for president. Romney says he believes Obama was born in America but has yet to condemn Trump's repeated insinuations to the contrary.

"If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump because he's so concerned about lining his campaign's pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he would be?" Obama's deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, said in a statement.

Both Trump and Romney steered clear of the issue at Tuesday's fundraiser. Asked Monday about Trump's contentions, Romney said: "I don't agree with all the people who support me. And my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in." He added: "But I need to get 50.1 percent or more. And I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people."

Republicans won't officially nominate Romney until late August at the GOP national convention in Tampa, Fla. Romney has 1,183 convention delegates.

He won at least 97 delegates in Texas with 33 left to be decided. The 152 delegates in Texas are awarded in proportion to the statewide vote. The other delegates were sprinkled among several candidates.

Texas Republicans also voted in a Senate primary to choose a candidate to run for the seat being vacated by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Solicitor General Ted Cruz were headed to a runoff in July.

With about three-fourths of precincts reporting, Dewhurst led with 45 percent of the vote compared to 33 percent for Cruz. Dewhurst, however, fell short of the majority he needed to avoid a runoff. The nominee will be strongly favored to win in November in heavily Republican Texas.

Romney, 65, is clinching the presidential nomination later in the calendar than any recent Republican candidate ? but not quite as late as Obama in 2008. Obama clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3, 2008, at the end of an epic primary battle with Hillary Rodham Clinton. Four years ago, John McCain reached the threshold on March 4, after Romney had dropped out of the race about a month earlier.

This year's primary fight was extended by a back-loaded primary calendar, new GOP rules that generally awarded fewer delegates for winning a state and a Republican electorate that built up several other candidates before settling on Romney.

Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Trump ? all of them sat atop the Republican field at some point. Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann peaked for a short time, too. But Romney outlasted them all, even as some GOP voters and tea party backers questioned his conservative credentials.

The primary race started in January with Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator, narrowly edging Romney in the Iowa caucuses. Romney rebounded with a big win in New Hampshire before Gingrich, the former House speaker, won South Carolina.

Romney responded with a barrage of negative ads against Gingrich in Florida and got a much-needed 14-point win. Romney's opponents fought back: Gingrich called him a liar, and Santorum said Romney was "the worst Republican in the country" to run against Obama.

Gingrich and Santorum assailed Romney's work at Bain Capital, the private equity firm he co-founded, saying the firm sometimes made millions at the expense of workers and jobs. It is a line of attack that Obama has promised to carry all the way to November.

On Feb. 7 Santorum swept all three contests in Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota, raising questions about Romney's status as the front-runner. After a 17-day break in the voting, Romney responded with wins in Arizona, Michigan and Washington state before essentially locking up the nomination on March 6, this year's version of Super Tuesday.

Romney has been in general-election mode for weeks, raising money and focusing on Obama, largely ignoring the primaries since his competitors dropped out or stopped campaigning. Santorum suspended his campaign April 10, and Gingrich left the race a few weeks later.

Both initially offered tepid endorsements of Romney but Gingrich is now actively promoting Romney's campaign.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul said on May 14 he would no longer compete in primaries, though his supporters are still working to gain national delegates at state conventions.

Rich Galen, a Republican strategist who has been unaligned in the 2012 race, said the long, sometimes nasty primary fight should help Romney fine-tune his campaign organization so it can operate effectively in the general election. Galen doesn't, however, think it was relevant in toughening up Romney for the battle against Obama.

"Romney's been running for president for six years. He is as good a candidate as he's ever going to be," Galen said. "Whatever you say about him, he was better than everybody else in the race."


Associated Press writer Steve Peoples contributed to this report from Las Vegas.

Associated Press

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Posted on May 29th, 2012 admin

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The Bachelorette Recap: It's the Climb

The Bachelorette ran it back with another partially-contrived, unintentionally hilarious, uber-dramatic episode tonight on Memorial Day. And what an episode.

Okay, it was pretty run-of-the-mill. But between some vintage Bachelorette cliches, a romantic date with Arie Luyendyk, Jr., and some man tears, it had its moments.

After two weeks of first impressions - some good, some not - the remaining men took another shot tonight, and man oh man, things started to get REAL.

Real dumb.

Follow this link for a rundown of The Bachelorette spoilers we know now, including the (alleged) final three. Then read on for THG's +/- Bachelorette recap!

Emily Maynard, Harness

After three weeks, it's still cute that Emily's a mom. Plus 8, and Plus 4 more for the prospect of her looking as good as her mom does in her 40s.

Chris and his serial killer eyes get the first one-on-one. Minus 5 for ABC not casting him as the villain this season. Kalon's looks aren't as terrifying.

He's even wearing the Dexter shirt! Plus 4.

Minus 70 for the obligatory, recycled building-climbing date and corresponding metaphors. It is not like love, life or relationships. Please, just spare us.

Plus 7 for Chris saying she looks good in a harness though. You could see the wheels turning and Fifty Shades of Grey-esque images in his head.

Emily tells Chris he's cute. A LOT. Minus 2.

Chris actually is pretty mature for 25. Plus 14, because he still doesn't seem like stepfather material right now, but maybe he could get there.

John sees Emily holding a football and is hoping for ... a relaxed, chill day. Surrounded by a dozen testosterone-filled dudes. So chill. Plus 1.

Em tells her friends to put "y'alls detective skills to work." Plus 9 for the accent. Minus 8 for one friend saying "here for the right reasons."

Wait ... the guy with the egg is still on the show? Minus 5.

Wait, Stevie is still on the show? Minus 9.

One of Emily's friends dubs Sean "the genetic gift to the world." Plus 10, as that's kind of totally true AND when he talks, his stock rises!

Ryan tells Emily he'd still love her if she got fat, he just might love ON her as much. Yeah. Quite the statement. Minus 16, even in jest.

We thought Jef with one F actually was one of the kids at the park. Plus 5.

Sean and Doug are dominating this group date, both with friend time and Emily time. Plus 11. Everyone else is playing for third right now.

Kalon McMahon is so that name-dropping, ass-kissing, pompous douche at the high school reunion who everyone dreads seeing. Minus 7.

Tony contemplates leaving and talks to his little boy in a touching segment. One clearly drawn out to eat up time in a two-hour episode that really could be condensed to 90 minutes or even 60, but nevertheless. Cute. Plus 5.

Emily and Tony break up so he can go home. Both seem content with the decision. If only all reality TV splits were so amicable. Plus 8.

Emily Maynard, Arie Luyendyk, Jr.

Arie gets the one-on-one date and jets off to Dollywood. Emily could not be more excited ... about Dolly, and maybe Arie too. Plus 5.

Wouldn't you know it, Dolly Parton herself is there to provide a private concert! And some love advice. Who'd have guessed? Minus 3.

Dolly's been married 45 years? WOW. Plus 45.

Arie's probably texted that many girls in the time he's been on the show. Player. Minus 5 if he's truly Mr. There For the Wrong Reasons.

Having dated (and lived with) a woman with two kids is only helping his cause, though. He's Mr. Saying All the Right Things. Plus 6.

Plus 10 for Emily being so up front, all the time. Well, except when she's trying to punk Arie, but points for that half-hearted effort.

She's cute. She's not even funny but she's cute. And honest. And self-secure, yet vulnerable. Kinda the whole package. Plus 15.

Think he's as genuine as she is? That's the open question. Wash.

Whoa, first quasi-makeout of the season! Plus 10.

The already-awkward cocktail party time becomes three times more so after seeing Kalon's glasses. What a schmoozer. Minus 10.

Is he essentially implying he considers Ricki a compromise of shorts? Minus 15 ... and Minus 15 more for the condescending remark after.

Then Alessandro actually calls it a compromise. No rose for you. Minus 20. Did he not know who The Bachelorette was this season?

Aww. Arie is there to pick up the pieces and make out with her again. So suave, and so well coached by the producers. Plus 4.

Sean is really giving him a run for his money, though. The kind words about Ricki make this guy the anti-Alessandro. Plus 13.

Kissing session #2! In one night! Plus 5.

Chris Harrison sighting! Plus 3.

Plus 18 more for Ryan calling Arie a "dainty" man and for the outtakes in which Alessandro admits he dated his cousin.

No longer in the running after tonight:

  • Tony (set free)
  • Alessandro (booted)
  • Stevie (not given rose)
  • Shelly the egg (shattered)


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Chrome Berlin - PRO Laptop Bag

"Hey Sara," I called to my colleague while exploring the expansive space inside Chrome's Berlin - PRO laptop bag ($220 direct). "See if you can fit into this bag!" My joke fell flat probably because the Berlin doesn't look nearly as big as it is from the outside (or perhaps because my petite co-worker had had enough of me that day).

The Chrome Berlin - Pro easily fits laptops of any size, plus all the cords, cables, and accessories you could ever need ? plus a change of clothes, your lunch, a tablet, and much more (read on to find out what I crammed into it). At 15 by 20 by 10 inches (HWD), when fully expanded, the Berlin's volume measures 25 liters!

The "pro" part of the name refers to the fact that this bag can be used by professional bike messengers, and the Berlin part, I presume, is a nod toward the very German looking style. The Berlin is a no-frills bag, available in black or gray, with a dark red lining. It's coolly edgy, but uncomplicated.

Massive as it is, the Chrome Berlin manages to be comfortable, even when you pack it to the brim because it balances weight both vertically down your back, as well as horizontally across the front of your shoulders and chest by way of a thickly padded strap. The strap fastens with one of Chrome's signature seatbelt buckles, which is very cool, but contributes a considerable amount of weight to the bag's 4.5 pounds. Two additional straps?one of which tucks away into a Velcro slot when not in use?can further secure the Berlin to your frame when the load you're hauling seems otherwise impossibly cumbersome. With the Berlin, it can be done!

To test the bag's capacity, I first packed roughly 18 pounds of clothing (I didn't want to mess with anything fragile just yet) into the Chrome Berlin - PRO and rode seven miles on my bike to a friend's house. This test turned out to be more about my own strength than the bag's, because the Berlin did its job to a tee. On my second trial, I loaded it up with a 13-inch laptop in a sleeve for extra protection, a camera that was also housed in a padded case, an iPad with rubber bumper, my purse, a smartphone, several cords and chargers, and a sweater. Not only did I tote this load without buckling, I got it through airport security, too! For the few weeks that I rode and walked around with the Berlin - PRO, there was nothing that it wouldn't fit or that I couldn't carry if it was in the bag. One Berlin owner says he once carried a chainsaw in this incredible bag! I don't doubt him for a second.

As much as you can pack this bag to the gills, the Berlin - PRO doesn't have a cushioned compartment specifically for a laptop. Two Velcro-secured pouches do a better job of protecting smaller electronics (think smartphone sized), but notebook owners should definitely use a protective sleeve.

Cycling commuters who carry a lot of stuff can't go wrong with Chrome's Berlin - PRO bag. Car and subway commuters will undoubtedly find the Berlin way too big for their average needs. At $220, the bag is an investment, but one worth making if you fit the Berlin profile.

More Cases and Carrying Gear Reviews: ?
??? Crumpler Nhill Heist Laptop Bag
??? Chrome Berlin - PRO Laptop Bag
??? Octa Vacuum Dock + WhaleTail
??? Crumpler Arnold Heist Tablet Bag
??? ChargeIt! 2X (for iPhone 4 and 4S)
?? more

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How To Care For A Caregiver - Retirement Homes

When we celebrate Mother?s Day and Father?s Day in May and June, we honor our parents with?gifts and special attention in appreciation of how they have loved us and sacrificed much to care for us.?But what about the family caregivers who love and sacrifice much to care for ill parents or spouses?many of their care receivers are not able show their appreciation due to their illnesses and disabilities.

As of yet, there is no official Caregiver?s Day (although perhaps there should be!). But if you?know a family caregiver, think about doing something special for him/her on any day. Some suggestions:

? Stop by with a treat or a meal?If you enjoy cooking, cook something; if not, just take out some?takeout.

? Bring some cheery flowers?or even a single rose, to make the caregiver feel appreciated.

? Come for a visit or phone the caregiver with a listening ear?you don?t need to give advice or?solve the caregiver?s problems; chances are the caregiver is quite isolated and just needs to be?able to talk and be heard.

? Send the caregiver an encouraging greeting card?or even an e-card or supportive email message.

? If you love doing yardwork or home repairs, offer to help the overwhelmed caregiver with chores?that you can do easily.

? Bring an entertaining book or CD to distract the caregiver?s mind from illness.

? If feasible, offer to stay with the care receiver for a short while so the caregiver can get out of the?house.

? Offer to help with errands if the caregiver can?t get out of the house easily.

Caring for a family member who has a chronic, long-term illness is often an extremely stressful,?overwhelming life situation with little, if any, time off or vacations. Caregivers go mostly unnoticed in?our busy, fast-moving culture; and not only is there no financial compensation for this job, but caregivers?must often give up paying jobs in order to provide full-time care.

It doesn?t have to take a lot of time or effort to give a lift to your caregiver friends. Just share a?little of whatever you enjoy, and you will get an emotional lift also. There are tens of millions of family?caregivers in North America.?surely we all know one.

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Egypt's Islamist candidate disses old regime

CAIRO (AP) ? The Muslim Brotherhood's candidate for the Egyptian presidential runoff promised Tuesday he would break sharply with the ways of ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak, a day after angry protesters burned down the headquarters of his challenger who served as prime minister in the old regime.

Islamist Mohammed Morsi appeared to be trying to cash in on public resentment of his rival Ahmed Shafiq's ties to Mubarak at a news conference where he offered something for everyone, from the military to the revolutionaries, women and minority Christians. Morsi has been scrambling to broaden his base of support ahead of the June 16-17 runoff.

"When I am president, the presidency will not be reduced to one person," he said. "The age of superman has failed and gone. The world is no longer like that. I am not like that."

Morsi's comments came hours after some 400 protesters chanting slogans against Shafiq stormed and vandalized his Cairo campaign headquarters. The protesters set the building ablaze after making away with computers, television sets and air conditioners.

Shafiq was the last prime minister appointed by Mubarak before he stepped down in February 2011 in the face of a popular uprising against his autocratic rule. The attack on Shafiq's headquarters was reminiscent of some of the most dramatic scenes of the uprising when protesters burned down the ruling party headquarters.

In Cairo's Tahrir square, birthplace of the uprising, protesters chanted slogans against both Morsi and Shafiq. Similar protests took place in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria and elsewhere in northern Egypt.

Morsi claimed the top spot in the first round of landmark elections last week, putting him in the runoff against Shafiq who, like his longtime friend and mentor Mubarak, is a former air force commander.

The attack on Shafiq's headquarters underlined the depth of resentment felt by many toward Shafiq, viewed by critics as an extension of the Mubarak regime. And Morsi moved quickly to use it for political gain, making a host of generous promises he said he would keep if elected.

He also used his televised news conference to fend off against charges that the group was seeking to garner more power after winning just under half of all seats in parliament and reversing an earlier decision not to field a presidential candidate.

He promised to place Christians in top government jobs and said he would not impose an Islamic dress code in public for women.

"Our Christian brothers, they are partners in the nation. They will have full rights that are equal to those enjoyed by Muslims," Morsi said. "They will be represented as advisers in the presidential institution, and maybe a vice president if possible."

Women, he said, will have full rights in jobs and education.

"Women have a right to freely choose the attire that suits them," he said.

But his overtures may be a hard sell for some

"It is his right to make propaganda for himself just as I have the right to listen to his words with one ear and let them out from the next," said Girgis Atef, a veteran of the uprising that toppled Mubarak 15 months ago. "More than anyone else, the Brotherhood makes promises it never keeps," said the 35-year-old Atef.

Samer S. Shehata, an Egypt expert from Georgetown University, said Morsi would not be able to honor all these promises. He needed to negotiate specifics with those whose support he is trying to enlist, he added, citing pro-democracy groups and candidates who fared well in the first round but not enough to make it to the runoff vote, like leftist Hamdeen Sabahi and moderate Islamist Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh. They came third and fourth respectively.

"This is unlikely to win him Christian votes or demonstrate a real commitment to complete equality regardless of religion," Shehata said of Morsi's assurances to the minority Christians who have long complained of discrimination in mainly Muslim Egypt.

"In order to be more credible, Morsi should negotiate with Sabahi, Abolfotoh and the revolutionary youth about concrete commitments and positions, about the specifics of the civil nature of the state, political and personal freedoms, and constitutional principles."

Morsi, 60, also praised the generals who took over from Mubarak, though he acknowledged that mistakes were made while they managed the transitional period.

"There is not a single Egyptian who doesn't like the military. The military played a glorious rule in protecting the revolution," Morsi said. "There were mistakes, yes, but also positive steps. Among those positive steps is the elections held under the protection of the police and military."

He vowed there would be no clashes or charges of treason against the military, suggesting that he has no intention of entertaining calls by some pro-democracy groups for the generals to be tried for alleged crimes during the past 15 months.

The groups blame the military for killing scores of protesters, torturing detainees and putting at least 12,000 civilians on trial before military tribunals.

Morsi also vowed to create a broad coalition government that is not led by a Brotherhood figure, and said the country's new constitution would be written by a panel that is truly representative of the nation.

The Brotherhood and other Islamists, who control more than 70 percent of parliament's seats, packed the original constitutional panel with their own supporters in a bid to influence the charter. However, a court ruling disbanded it on the grounds that it did not observe the rules of selection spelled out in a constitutional declaration adopted last year.

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Your Boat Insurance ? Key Considerations | Internet Revenue Articles


Cruising off toward the secluded blue, has the favorable effect of blowing away your life?s strains and cares with the breeze. But, just before you sail away in your gorgeous boat, pause and consider the merits of these questions. Do you have marine or boat insurance in place? Even when the answer that that is ?Yes? then are you positive your insurance requirements are being actually met?

Marine insurance groups vessels corresponding to a type of measurements. ?Boats? are described as measuring in between 16 feet and 25 feet 11 inches in length. Below that size then you are catalogued as small boat namely dinghies, personal watercraft and the like. If your boat is 26 feet and above in length then you will probably need specialist insurance coverage. Now let?s look over some of the ins and outs as applied to regular boat insurance policies.

Physical damage insurance coverage

The insurance company reimburses you for the replacement or recondition of your craft, resulting from the following conditions: boating accident, vandalism, fire, burglary, lightning, typhoons or tornadoes. Included in this coverage are the watercraft itself, its engine or outboard engine and your trailer. Normally the ensuing items are excluded from the dinghy insurance protection, as they are not thought of as being an aspect of your boat?s operations: clothing, video or camera products, jewelry or fashion accessories, cell phones, and food, diving gear and portable electronic devices such as tv set, stereo devices or laptops. You may find they are covered on your typical house insurance or you could ask for separate protection for these.

Tip: I recognize it?s a pain but ? regularly read the small print. At that point you will understand what limits have been placeded on your protection. Can you boat be kept at your residence? Otherwise, must the boat be at your holiday vacation venue? Exactly where does the protection start and end on the waters you can use? A few policies precisely list the requirements and limit the use of your craft.

Individual Liability Coverage

We hope you will never need to find how worthwhile this insurance coverage is. Regular marine boat insurance cover here ranges upwards from $ 3 million and can compensate you when there?s an accident and your boat is held responsible for damaging another premises, boat or trauma.

Uninsured Boat Coverage

This is referred to as the marine insurance parallel to the road vehicle?s uninsured motorist insurance coverage. For example, in the event that the owner of a watercraft who damages yours has run out insurance or worse, doesn?t possess the money, your boat?s repairs will certainly nonetheless be funded.

Passenger Medical Insurance coverage

This protection will recompense the medical expenses suffered by any people carried in your boat. You will definitely discover that generally there is another provision on your policy regulating the amount of people who may be aboard at any one time? make sure you do not bring more as the insurance will at that point be invalid.

Help & Towing Coverage

This part of your policy will compensate you for the expenses sustained should you have the need to call on the emergency services. You might have engine failure or other mechanical failure or damage your boat on rocks calling for a tow line back to port.

What?s the bottom line to all of this? Be insurance conscious in advance of you start your boating season. Take a while to get hands-on and acquaint yourself with understanding so you are able to select the right insurance option, conditions and cover which your boat insurance must include. Then you can take off into the blue understanding you are effectively prepared for any scenario.

To Your Boating Enjoyment!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Zealand triplets, age 2, among Qatar mall dead

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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